This is me being lazy...

Nov 01, 2007 20:24

I don't feel like doing the whole diet/exercise record thing today, partially because I didn't keep close enough track of my work exercise today, and partially because, well, I'm feeling that lazy.


Breakfast was the usual cereal plus blue berries and skim milk.
Had my banana.
Lunch was New England clam chowder and an apple. The mutant orange just didn't appeal today, so I brought it home and it's chillin' in the fridge for tomorrow.

Came home and had the usual Triscuits and a yogurt

Dinner was half a cup each of steamed broccoli and cauliflower sprinkled with lemon and lowfat parmesan cheese, and a small grilled 4oz flat steak, medium rare. And a little A1 sauce. :)

Dessert was another yogurt, because I'm craving them right now.

I've have two cups of mint green tea, and my usual 100oz of water.

I also did a really brisk walk (even uphill, which adventure. Hint: Bon Jovi is good for this. Just so you know. Good walking beat. ^^)

The walk was to and from Walmart--half an hour each way, with fifteen minutes in the store shopping.

I finally bought my exercise ball, a jump rope, a nice sweater I'd been waiting for them to get the right size in on, a couple of music CDs (because I'm addicted to music, darn it), and a backpack to carry it all home in (and to use for non-refrigerated grocery runs in the future. Walk to shop. Makes sense to me).

And then I came home, pumped up the exercise ball, and promptly did all the exercises on the poster that came with it. The DVD will be this weekend. ^^

If you can't do a straight-out regular exercise program due to age, weight, or injury, one involving a ball might be the way to go. Still works you out, but, like swimming, it seems to create a LOT less stress on the body while you use it. I know I'm going to be using it lots, especially when I don't feel well enough or not-sore enough to do the military style session. :)

Balls are good.

There might be trampolining later. We'll have to see. :)

health diary, exercise, self improvement

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