Dec 14, 2006 09:01
So, last night after work I went in to Blockbuster. Had a coupon to rent any movie for $1.99. Had to wait in line. (My local Bb is one of those places where it takes just as long to be in line behind one person as it does five. I have no idea why.) While I was waiting, I counted out twenty pennies from my pocketbook, to have them all in the ready. When I get up there, the guy says that my total is $2.10. So, I hand him the pennies and say, "Here are twenty pennies, if you want to count them while I'm getting the rest." He stands there, his hand held out w/the coins in it, looking all confused. "But the total is $2.10." "Yeah, I know. That's twenty cents toward the total." "Are you just trying to get rid of the pennies, ma'am?" "Yes, I am, and I'm getting you the rest of the money right now." "But the total is $2.10." "Yes, I know." "This is twenty cents." "Yes, I know." "Are you just trying to get rid of the pennies, ma'am?" "Yes, I said that already. Do you want to count them into the till while I'm getting the rest of the money?" "But the total is $2.10." "Uh huh. I don't know what you're asking."
OK, I'll spare you about six more rounds of this dialogue. Apparently (as the bitchy lady behind me "explained" w/a sympathetic look at the sales guy), the fella thought that since I'd given him twenty pennies instead of ten, I would be unable to then give him the rest of the balance, b/c I w/b unable to subtract twenty cents from $2.10 and give him the proper remaining cash. Now, I gave him ninety cents more (aka eighty cents to go w/the twenty pennies to equal a dollar and then a dime to take care of the ten cent part of $2.10) and then a buck, for a grand total of....wait for it...$2.10!! And then the idiot tries to give me a dime back--as if to try to prove himself right--that I was incapable of doing basic math. I'm like, "Uh, no. I gave you twenty pennies, three quarters, a nickel, a dime, and a dollar. That's $2.10." "Whatever," he huffs and then turns to the other woman to get consolation that I was so mean and thoughtless and rude. Yeah, "whatever" pretty much sums it up.
Now, just b/c he apparently was unable to grasp the concept that twenty cents can be taken from $2.10 and the remaining amt. be provided correctly, doesn't mean that he should assume that I am unable to perform this apparently complex mental exercise. Nor should the customers behind me shoot me dirty looks that I'm being mean and rude to the poor sales associate (I'll give them being bitchy for having to wait behind me while all this was going on, but not being upset that I was being mean). I tell ya.