Since I finished my work here in class (just a few pages) I wanted to go ahead and type a poem that I wrote last night while I was doing a Macbeth assignment and was down in the dumps. Decided to go ahead and write a morbid poem that could possibly have been written by Lady
Thought I'd type it now so that later on I can submit it onto deviantART ^_^
You should go see it today! The poem:
I've turned my back on the world,
The harsh faces that looked down on me.
I only face the night through the window,
Stars that winked at me in acceptance.
Here was an escape that I've found,
That waits there in front of me.
I close my eyes before tilting my face up,
Letting the nightly breeze sweep over me.
Ut is here that the pain I've endured,
The burden on me will disappear.
I'll never have to worry about another thing,
That could possibly hurt me anymore.
Starlight pales my skin as I step to the edge,
I never dared myself to look down again.
My fingers held fast to the window frame,
Thin claws that leave dents in the wood.
May pure freedom grow into wings on my back,
Let it allow me to fly away from here.
Yet no bright wings appear upon a damned's flesh,
And I know that I'll only go downwards to the ground.
I can cry all the tears I have,
But the pain will never go away.
I tore my fingers away from the wood,
And go for my last silent flight to freedom.
Yeah I know...morbid. But I liked it.
You know, I'm not that worried about Liam now. You know why? huh huh? Because I don't need him. He or his ex has lied to me, because she told me that theu still loved each other and that they did not want to hurt me. Yeah....whatever. I know... I have a major guy problem. But I'll say that the only people that actually seem to care about me is Mmatt and Alex, and it seems that Alex doesn't get online much right now because of bowling or some such. Also, homework from school. .....blah. But I have Mmatt. I've ALWAYS had Mmatt. The 2 year date is approaching FAST and I can't wait.
That also means that my birthday is coming up soon. Who's getting me something?? ^_^ I'll be 18...
Turning 18 on October 30th
That's just awesome, buddy.
Echols wasn't here today again....kinda made me mad, but whatever. At least she didn't get the chance to fuss at us and since Kristin wasn't at school I sat in her spot and talked to AJ, Brit, and Haley (Hailey?)....was cool. AJ amuses me a lot, but mostly because he comes to school and does stupid things....I wouldn't be surprised if he was stoned. Yeah. *Shrugs* I don't touch drugs, and I hope that Mmatt doesn't. I can handle having friends that do drugs, as long as they don't try to make me do it, and everything, but I'm not going to do it, and I don't want to be in a relationship with someone that does. I've told Mmatt this, I think. Probably in the beginning and the time that he got extremely drunk and was all in a panic because he thought I'd hate him for it......which I can never ever ever hate Mmatt.
Good mood now, let's hope I stay that way, hmm?
*comes back 5 minutes later*
I do believe that I'm getting hyper......once 3rd period starts, I have roughly 30 minutes or so before lunch, and we normally don't do anything TOO hard in there. And if I can keep up with being hyper............O.O....awesome! I can hope on my mic and talk to Mmatt some more, lol
Ok, sorry....I'll be quiet now.
Ah, and I was teh seksee pirate Saturday night at Hollie's party. Oh yeah. I rocked. Aleisha was dressed up as her boyfriend (go figure), Hollie was a vampire, as was Courtney, and a few others, Lance was...something...weird, and Spencer wore a torn up shirt with fake blood in places. He makes a good zombie. Hmm....*grins* nah, I wouldn't hurt him...he's not worth it really. He's annoying from here to high heaven, but he's smart and there needs to be smart people in this world.
Here I go rambling again...
Oh! and Greg pissed me off again. My reasons to know only, thank you very much.