Feb 23, 2007 06:59
so life is kinda stressful right now, still working out the whole heath thing. He's totally changed how he acts, mr "i have to be in bed by 9 because i have to work" now stays out all night for days at a time. it's like living with a 15 year old that has a car and no curfew. *sigh*
either way, i met someone who i am *hopefully* going to spend some time with. well...not really *met* them...more like talked to them online and on the phone, and we're going out for lunch. i'm not really interested in starting anything serious - i'm not really done being over the last serious thing i started, however having some new friends is definatly a plus and i think that will help me deal with this stupid situation a lot faster. The friends i have are great, but i'm pretty sure that they don't want to hear me bitch about the same thing every day, and i think that i need a little change of scenery in the friend department. Doesn't help that the only one of my friends that i have ever spent any considerable time with is heath, and now i don't spend any with him. I don't see the others as often as i would like, and the fact that i work 40+ hours a week doesn't really help that either, because when i get home all i want to do is relax. so, i'm just going to hang out with some new people (in addition to the old) and we'll take life from that point. If, eventually, i meet someone that i feel close enough to that i can start something slightly more serious, we'll see what happens - but at this point, i just want people to hang out with that can distract me from the hurt i have. It makes me feel better when i can go a few hours without being depressed.
well. i should be heading off to work. stupid job...gotta actually show up once in a while if i want to get paid :D