"All in one night", Tom/Mike, Tom/Mike/Jensen, NC 17, 1/1

Feb 21, 2010 17:44

Title: All in one night
Written by: ellydee27
Beta by: My loyal, helpful jolinarmalkshur- thank you!
Rating/warnings: NC 17 - M/M sex, people!
Summary: Mike has a great idea...
A/N: Written for vampirebites13's birthday, congrats honey! Hope you like it, it probably the naughtiest thing I've ever written but I had to try for your sake :)
Disclaimer: Not mine, I'll put them back when I'm done playing...


Seeing your boyfriend sprawled out on the couch, your mutual best friend next to him, beer bottles in their hands, grinning at you as you enter the living room, should definitely make you smile.

And Tom does. It’s been another too-long day on set, delay after delay forcing him to wait for his scenes and lose his patience. But now he’s finally home, and Mike’s spending the week in Vancouver which means it’s not just Cook waiting for him when he tosses his jacket on the hallway floor. Mike leisurely gets up from the couch to greet him, dropping Cook on the floor, his short legs and too-long nails making tic-tic-noises as he rushes towards him. He scratches the pug absently, already walking towards Mike, enveloping him in a big hug before giving in to his urge for more, capturing his smirking lips in a kiss.

Kissing Mike is one of Tom’s two favorite things- only topped by kissing him in bed, naked, pounding into Mike’s perfect ass. Every time he kisses him, if it’s goodnight, goodbye or hello - that’s the image his mind provides him with. Mike is always accused of being a horn dog - probably due to his constant flirting and undying love for dirty jokes - but between the two of them, it’s really Tom who’s the dirty boy. No one would think so, with his dimples, his nice-boy-haircut and radiant blue eyes, but Tom is simply insatiable.

And it’s all Mike’s fault. No, really.

Tom used to wonder, before, when he watched sit-coms or heard his buddies talk about their girlfriends holding out on them, if he was the only guy in the world content with having sex a couple of times a month. It just didn’t have the big appeal it seemed to for everyone else.

But that was before Mike came swaggering into his life- all magnetic allure, irresistible and tantalizing- a wet dream on two legs and his best friend in one, perfect package.

His marriage was doomed from that day, but thankfully, due to honesty, empathy and level-headedness on both sides it ended in a civilized manner.

And now it’s four years later, Mike’s left Smallville, which Tom will never truly forgive him for, and it’s still the two of them. Absence truly does make the heart grow fonder, and Mike tends to joke that as long as he lives hours away they’ll keep the passion forever. Tom hopes Mike knows that isn’t the truth -yes, they did bicker more when they lived and worked together, but Tom still wishes he was around all the time, like before. Losing the passion they have for each other isn’t even close to a concern in Tom’s mind- Mike’s awakened his sexual desires and appetite in a way he never could have seen coming. Even now, when he’s kissing him in front of Jensen, all he can think about is getting closer, losing the clothes, mapping Mike’s body from top to toe with his hands, his lips, his teeth. He groans when he remembers the marks he made last night, wondering what they look like today, if they’ve faded or turned an even darker purple color.

“Right, calm down, tiger,” Mike chuckles, placing his elegant hands on Tom’s chest and stepping back at the same time.

Tom tries to follow, making the kiss last just a little longer, but Mike just turns around and heads back to the couch. Tom’s first instinct is to pout, but unfortunately, it’s Jensen who notices that, Mike still with his back turned.

“Awww, look, Mike, your boy looks like someone stole his candy.”

Jensen chuckles at his own joke, and Tom pouts even more determinedly, a grimace that dissolves into a smile as he gets closer, ruffles Jensen’s hair roughly before flopping down on the free couch.

“Aww, man, I’d worked hard on that!” Jensen mock-complains, as his hand runs through his locks to make them into something resembling order.

“Really, why…for your date with Mike?” Tom teases, receiving an answering stuck-out-tongue.

“Shut up, you know he desperately wants me,” Mike quips, faking nonchalance with his eyes glued to the TV.

“Yeah, who doesn’t?” Tom retorts quickly, rolling his eyes to Jensen, who has the weirdest look on his face. Instead of the glimmer of mischief he’s expecting, Jensen’s looking weirdly unsettled, an emotion Tom’s practically never seen on him. Convinced he’s seeing things, he averts his eyes, getting up from his seat again to use the bathroom, wanting a shower after his long day in the lamplight. He makes his excuses and leaves, slightly worried by the glances exchanged between his friend and boyfriend when they thought he was out of eyesight.

When he re-enters the living room fifteen minutes later, hair still wet and pulling a t-shirt over his head, Jensen’s nowhere to be seen, and Mike’s sitting on the edge of his seat, like he’s getting ready to get up. And so he does, reaching Tom halfway, pulling him forward until they flop down on the couch together, Tom’s quick reflexes the only thing keeping him from squishing Mike as he lands on top of him.

“What the- “Tom starts, but then Mike’s lips are right there and too tempting to not kiss and so he does. He delves down and captures them, using his dominating position to his advantage, making the kiss just how he likes it; intense and forceful.

“Jensen…” Mike moans, and Tom pulls back hurriedly, frowning as he gazes down at his boyfriend.

“My name’s Tom,” he corrects him, and Mike rolls his eyes.

“I know, stupid…just, Jensen’s here, in the upstairs bathroom, and I kinda need to talk to you.”

“Talk to me?” Tom frowns again, before pushing up, sitting back on the couch, in the opposite corner.

“Yeah, look. I know you think Jensen’s hot,” Mike states nonchalantly, as he sits up from his sprawled position.

“What?” Tom sputters, feeling his cheeks heat up with the surprising words that ring so embarrassingly true.

Mike just raises his hand, a sign for him to shut up, and continues. “I said I know, no reason to object babe. The thing is…he has the hots for you too. So…” he gestured with his right hand, a vague motion that probably means something like ‘I did something major without asking you, don’t you just love me?’

At least that’s Tom’s current theory.

Because Mike keeps talking, about how Tom and Jensen both are attracted to each other, and how they’re both of course attracted to him too, and so him and Jensen had been talking and apparently they should have a threesome. Tonight.

Tom’s struck silent by the turn of events, by Mike’s nonchalance, by the outrageous way him and Jensen have talked behind his back.

“So yeah, that’s it. You game, babe?” Mike asks him, ever so casually, and Tom can’t find a reply for that, can’t put two words together in his head, let alone shape them and get them out. Mike seems to understand his predicament, opting to lean forward and initializing another kiss, a deeper, more intimate one this time, a comfort and a persuasion.

The kiss goes on, and it distracts Tom to the point where he doesn’t hear Jensen returning from wherever he was hiding. Suddenly, there’s an unfamiliar caress, a hand on his thigh that isn’t Mike’s, and when he opens his eyes he sees Jensen kneeling in front of him, eyes large and asking and focused on him.

Suddenly, everything comes to a halt around him, making Tom realize that this right here is decision time. It’s up to him to make the next move, and he does, surprising himself by gripping Jensen’s hand and pulling him nearer until they’re mere inches apart. Taking a last, centering breath, he closes the distance between them and let his lips meet Jensen’s. The soft press lasts a second, and then Tom finds himself smiling, the oddity of the situation hitting him, and he needs to pull back a little, needs to gauge his friend’s reaction.

Jensen seems to understand, probably feeling it too, how strange it is to be kissing after years and years of friendship, and of Tom and Mike being together. Jensen smiles reassuringly, and then his eyes light up with a glimmer of mischief, so much like the friend that he’s known for years, and it’s just what Tom needs to see to continue. After another smile, Jensen is right there again, mouth moving underneath his; soft, pliant and everything a kiss should be.

Tom starts to get into it for real, his hands grabbing Jensen’s face, feeling his stubble tickle his fingers as the kiss continues. There’s a shift, a loss, and suddenly Jensen’s gotten to his feet, his hand stretched out in invitation. With a glance over his shoulder, checking that Mike’s following, he allows Jensen to lead the way, in to their guest room and onto the large king-size bed.

Three men on one bed is a tight fit, and suddenly, it feels like a plethora of hands, lips and body warmth surrounding Tom, when both Mike and Jensen attack him at once, showering him with attention and caresses. Tom meets Mike’s gaze a short time after, their eyes locking together while Jensen pulls on Tom’s t-shirt, lapping at his stomach with eager licks.

“This okay?” Mike asks, softly, his voice so soft and caring that Tom can’t help but smiling.

“If it’s okay with you?” He asks, needing yet another confirmation that Mike truly wants this.

“Fuck, yeah,” Mike replies adamantly, and Tom can feel, as much as hear, Jensen chuckling against his abdomen.

Mike sits back next, pulling his shirt up and off, Jensen’s hands helping him lift it over his head. Jensen winks in Tom’s direction before capturing Mike’s lips in a passionate kiss. Tom waits for the surge of jealousy to hit him, but it doesn’t- instead he feels a rush of desire surging through him, making the blood in veins boil and then head straight south.

He lets out an impatient sound, feeling his jeans constricting his erection, wanting and needing a better touch. His lovers notice, Mike’s chuckling heard before their kiss ends, and they’re both turned against him again. It’s a rustle and a bustle and then, a minute later, Tom’s lost his shirt and his jeans, only left with his boxer-briefs.

Jensen’s next, and Tom helps as best he can, though his hands are drawn to the new skin that’s exposed; rougher than Mike’s, softer than his own. Mike does most of the hard work while Tom’s tracing down Jensen’s torso, eliciting truly delicious sounds from Jensen. Tom’s always liked Jensen’s voice, found comfort in it, laughed with it, had long talks over golf games and beers, and now he’s hearing the ultimate version of it. Jensen moans and sighs, and it spurs Tom on, making him pinch a nipple, hard enough to make Jensen shudder.

“Fuck…” he moans, and Tom grins, probably what Mike calls his evil smirk, loving the thrill of getting to know Jensen this way, knowing his sounds, his triggers. It’s been fours years of only him and Mike, and though Mike is in no way even close to boring, the excitement of someone new is definitely enticing.

“Why didn’t we do this sooner?” Mike ponders, a teasing smile on his lips, as he joins in on the mapping of Jensen’s body, bare apart from his boxers, splayed out on the bed for the two of them to explore.

They indulge themselves, letting their fingers trail across muscled flesh, let their mouths taste the salty flavor of his nipples and his neck, let their teeth sink into his ears, another thing that makes him moan and thrash on the bed, his erection now clearly visible through the fabric of his boxers.

They exchange a look, him and Mike, and Mike wins their silent discussion - crawling down the bed a little to mouth Jensen through the thin fabric. Jensen’s eyes shoot open at the new development, and he stutters, trying to come up with a word that he never finds.

Mike seems to be done teasing, and he hooks his fingers under the waistband of the boxers, pulling them down with a little help from Jensen’s raised hips. Tom watches, enthralled, as Mike’s mouth engulfs Jensen’s cock, swallowing down on almost all of it. He can see Mike’s throat working around the length, can hear Jensen enjoying the treatment, and he can almost feel what he feels- knowing how skilled Mike is, how his clever tongue twists and licks, increasing the pleasure to almost unbearable levels. He’s still watching, mesmerized and silenced, one hand distractedly twisting Jensen’s nipple when he realizes that Jensen’s getting close already- his breathing hurried, his knuckles white where he’s clenching the sheets.

Leaning down, he catches his lips in a rough kiss, delving inside, tasting him, before capturing his bottom lip between his teeth, teasing it with his tongue until he can feel Jensen falling apart beneath him. His whole body’s shaking, blissful sounds leaving his lips when Tom pulls away too catch the spectacular sight. His friend coming apart by the skilled mouth of his boyfriend - he didn’t even know he wanted to see it, but now it looks like his ultimate fantasy come true.

Mike’s grinning when he scoots up the bed, and Tom has to grab him, has to pull him close and kiss him, has to taste what he just tasted. Salty, bitter-sweet flavor attacks his taste buds, and he pours all his gratitude, all his love and passion for his boyfriend into the kiss. He’s achingly hard, and thrusting blindly against Mike, he can feel that he is, too.

“Do you want me to..” Tom asks, vaguely, not really knowing what he’s offering.

“No. I wanna watch. You with him.” Mike states, still in control, eagerly licking his lips.

“…with him?” Tom hesitates, his brain alerting him that it’s a big step, going all the way with someone besides his boyfriend, the only man he’s ever been with, wanted to be with. He looks from Mike to Jensen, who looks blissed out, but still meets his gaze, something like impatient expectancy and hope in them.

Mike nods, and Tom automatically nods too, though he’s still thinking, still wondering if this is really okay. It feels like it is, but how can he know? How can he be sure that isn’t taking it too far, for Mike, for Jensen, or for all of them?

“Come here, Tom. Mike wants to watch, okay? He really does. And I want to feel you…in me,” Jensen finishes, and now Tom’s the one who’s shivering, excitement running through him at the prospect of what’s ahead. Apparently he moves too slow, his eagerness only in his mind, because it’s Mike who reaches for the bedside table, searching around the drawer until he finds a tube of Astroglide, sharing an excited grin with Jensen before coating his fingers thoroughly. He uses his free hand to push at Jensen’s hip, making him roll over on his stomach.

Tom shifts, then, moving to sit right behind Mike, placing himself close enough for his dick to grind against Mike’s still jeans-clad ass. His hands move around to palm Mike’s cock through the fabric, distractedly stroking and squeezing as he watches the show in front of him.

Mike’s first finger enters Jensen’s body without difficulty, and he quickly moves on to two. Jensen’s body seems lax after his orgasm, though, when Mike twists his fingers, searching and finding his sweet spot, Jensen’s arms flail, gripping the sheets for something to hold on to.

“Fuck, yeah…hurry up, guys,” he pants, and Tom has to bite his lower lip to get a grip, to resist the urge to shove Mike out of the way and just plunge into the perfect ass in front of him.

“Calm down, fuck, I knew you’d be a pushy bottom,” Mike chuckles, but adding a third finger, scissoring and stretching him, eliciting more moans and groans that soon turn desperate. And then Jensen starts wiggling, shimmying his hips until Mike can’t do anything but pull out, in fear of hurting his friend. Rolling over from his stomach to his back, Jensen pushes Mike away with his foot, need and amusement dueling for the spotlight on his features.

Mike takes the hint, but not before leaning down for what seems to be a kiss, but is in fact a punishing bite to Jensen’s lower lip. He gives Tom a real kiss though, and another sure look, before moving away from the bed, taking a seat in the lounger next to it, unzipping his jeans and taking out his cock. Tom is yet again glued to the vision in front of him, and doesn’t move until he hears the tell-tale sound of a condom wrapper being ripped open. Seconds later, his cock is sheathed in rubber, and Jensen’s legs are wrapped around his waist, pulling him in.

Mike’s done excellent work of the preparation, and Tom locks eyes with Jensen, uses his hand to find the way and just pushes in, trying his hardest to go slow and gentle.

“Fuck…” the word is uttered by one of them, or both, and Tom has the weird urge to smile, and so he does, feeling it widen when Jensen returns it. He leans down for a kiss- awkward in this position but they manage somehow, both of them feeling their heart beats increasing, passion surging through them with expectations of what’s to come.

“Fuckin’ move,” Jensen pants next, and Tom does, pulls all the way out before plunging back in- still trying to hold back a little, get Jensen used to his size without hurting him.

“You’re so bossy,” Tom retorts, and the easy repartee is such a pleasant surprise; weirdly, remembering that this is his friend doesn’t do anything to dampen his ardor.

Tom decides enough’s enough, and he starts thrusting for real, pounding into Jensen with fervor, sweat forming on his forehead and dripping down on Jensen’s toned stomach.

The room is filled with sounds, all adding to the experience: Jensen’s moans and Mike’s more distant groans, his own heavy breathing, and the slapping sound of his hips connecting with Jensen’s ass. It all goes fuzzy in Tom’s head, melts together in a delicious cacophony of verbal lust and he goes wild with it, loses the last of his reservations and thrusts faster and faster, not stopping until his climax takes over, cascading over him, making his body shudder before collapsing on top of Jensen. In his dazed lust, he doesn’t even notice that Jensen came too, before his heavy breathing has calmed him down enough to get his bearings and pull out. He notices the wet spot on Jensen’s stomach then, white drops painting a fascinating pattern that Tom gets lost in for a long second.

Discarding the condom, he finds himself wrapped in familiar arms, Mike embracing him from behind. He’s gotten naked sometime between then and now, his cock pressed firmly against Tom’s crack. Groaning, Tom pushes back against it, but it’s Jensen that breaks the silence.

“Get over here, Mike,” he orders, still laying on his back, looking and sounding utterly relaxed and lazy after his two orgasms.

Tom receives a push and decides he better take the hint, getting off the bed with a lingering touch to Jensen’s soiled stomach, a “thank you” spelled in his light caress. Jensen winks at him, before shifting his gaze up to Mike, who’s crawling closer.

When Tom returns from the bathroom, he’s met by an image that will feed his fantasies for months. Mike’s straddling Jensen’s chest, bent forward, feeding his cock to Jensen’s eager mouth. His hips are undulating, slowly, rhythmically, the sight drawing Tom in, making him dizzy with need. He’s pulled towards his boyfriend, jumping up on the bed, discarding the washcloth he brought with him, instead leaning down to lick down Mike’s arched spine. He kneels down to accommodate his next move: licking down his crack. Mike shudders, the first sign that he’s falling apart, and stops pumping his hips, pulling out of Jensen’s mouth with a wet sound and pushing back against Tom’s tongue. He uses his tongue to delve inside, briefly, feeling the hole spasm around him.

“Yes, more, Tom…” Mike pleads, and Tom shares a look with Jensen, mentally planning how to proceed.

Finally, Jensen grabs a pillow, finding a better angle, while Tom searches for lube and coats his fingers. And then Mike’s plunging into Jensen’s mouth again, Tom’s index finger teasing his hole. He pushes inside as Jensen swallows down on Mike’s length, the double stimuli spurring him on, pushing him closer and closer to the orgasm he’s been holding off for so long.

Tom’s got three fingers inside of Mike, twisting and thrusting, when he starts intentionally hitting his prostate, and Mike stops panting, instead he stops breathing entirely, making a small, whimpering sound, body shaking with orgasmic spasms and Tom can hear Jensen swallow vigorously, trying to catch all of his release.

Tom keeps pumping a few times, enjoying the feel of Mike’s body clamping down on his fingers, trying to keep him in or push him out. He feels a stirring in his groin, his flaccid cock trying futilely to come to life and grab the opportunity in front of him. Tom mentally shakes his head at himself, mere minutes after his orgasm and he still can’t resist the allure of his boyfriend’s tight hole.

Mike collapses, falls forward until he rests on the headboard, Tom’s fingers slipping out as he falls forward.

“Damn..” Mike sighs, before pushing off the supporting woodwork to lay down next to Jensen, one leg leisurely resting on Jensen’s hip.

Tom sinks down behind him, thinking that maybe he should’ve been on Jensen’s other side, but needing to be close to his boyfriend, feel his body against his own. Embracing Mike from behind feels so familiar, so comforting, even now as his heart is still beating wildly.

“That was…”Jensen starts, and Tom watches him intently, from where he is, resting his head on Mike’s cheek.

“Good…?” Mike’s hand is tracing up and down Jensen’s chest, lazy, soothing strokes.

“Fuck, yeah, you were here, weren’t you?” there’s a glint in Jensen’s green eyes, and Tom smiles too, now, reassured that this whole thing was okay. That they would be okay.

A few words more; quiet, normal, happy, and then they fall asleep, one by one.


Before the sun has risen, Jensen has to get up for work, groaning when his alarm sounds. They’ve slept together, a tangle of limbs, three large men in a bed built for two.

“Shit…” Jensen sighs, rubbing his eyes, and Tom reaches over Mike’s still sleeping form, wanting to touch, ending up with an awkward stroke through Jensen’s sleep-mussed hair.

“You okay?” Tom asks, softly, trying not to wake his boyfriend.

“Yeah, man, you?” Jensen replies, all husky voice and concern.

Tom nods, which earns him a genuine smile in return, then Jensen does something incredibly sweet; grabs Tom’s hand and places a kiss in his palm, before squeezing it and getting up. A stretch and a search for his clothes later and he’s on his way out, whispering “don’t worry so much, Tommy. I’ll catch you later.” He adds a wink to his goodbye and then he’s gone.


It’s two hours or so later, when Tom awakes, his boyfriend grinding against him, his morning erection pushing against his hip.

“Morning, boyfriend,” Mike whispers against his skin, placing small kisses on his neck.

“Mmmm…morning,” Tom replies, going from being asleep to being awake and semi-turned on in seconds.

“Were you awake when he left?” Mike mumbles, moving on to nibbling his ears.

“Yeah, he was cool,” Tom replies, enjoying his wake-up-call immensely.

“’Course he was. You’re the only one who was worried, you know.”

Tom turns his head, capturing Mike’s lips in a lazy kiss, layered with gratitude and relief.

“So we’re okay?” He asks, knowing the reply he’ll get, knowing he doesn’t have to ask.

“Yeah, man, as long as you don’t elope with the guy we’re fine.” Mike chuckles against Tom’s lips before proceeding the kissing.

“We’re fine then,” Tom reassures him, before diving into the kiss again.

They’re both half hard already, and then Mike crawls on top of his lover, straddling him and rubbing against him, their breaths speeding up with desire. Mike kisses a trail down Tom’s cheek, nipping at his jaw line before continuing downwards, sucking a bruise onto his collarbone, trailing down to his nipples. They’re rock-hard nubs at this point, and he bites into first one, then the other, eliciting groans and needy whines from Tom.

“So your old boyfriend’s ass still of interest to you?” Mike asks, soft sarcasm and a wry smile directed at him.

“Fuck yeah,” Tom groans, already finding the lube to coat his fingers, grabbing the tempting ass and pulling him upwards, finding a position where he can reach to stretch him out, two of his fingers disappearing into his hole without protest.

“Yes…hurry,” Mike begs, supporting himself on the headstand, pushing down on Tom’s fingers. He’s still loose from the fingering last night, and Tom hears his plea, scissoring with his index and middle finger roughly before adding a third. Pumping a few times, he relishes in the sounds his lover’s making, and the anticipation of what’s coming, until Mike’s had enough and moves up and away from his hand.

“I’m ready,” he says, and he moves down the bed, using the hand he’s not leaning on to guide Tom’s rock hard cock into his waiting opening.

“Yes…” Mike hisses, and Tom forces himself to keep his eyes open, not wanting to miss the gorgeous sight in front of him. Mike has an ethereal look on his features when they’re making love like they are now; slow, intense, everything they need and want in one act of pleasure.

“I fucking love you so much,” Tom groans, gone for in the most delicious way with Mike riding him.

“Such…a…romantic,” Mike pants, wry grin aimed down at him.

“Sorry…” Tom replies unrepentantly, “’I love you’ just didn’t cut it, you’re so fucking amazing.”

Mike’s grin widens, interrupted by a particularly well-aimed thrust, causing him to moan. “You’re not bad yourself, supes.”

He keeps moving, up, down, up, down, in a maddeningly slow rhythm, driving Tom closer and closer to his climax, but too slow to really get him off.

“Come on, Mike…” Tom pleads, and Mike just smirks, evilly, making Tom growl, too far gone to be gentle, and he pushes Mike off, down on the bed and pressing him in to the mattress.

“You are such a cocktease,” He pants into Mike’s ear, adding a sharp bite to accentuate his statement.

“So?” Mike responds, teasing smile still in place, even as he’s pretending to struggle away from Tom’s firm grip.

Tom lets go of his final reservations and pins Mike down as he keeps thrusting, hitting Mike’s prostate over and over again, making them both go wild with lust. It doesn’t last too long after that, Mike surrendering to the pleasure and allowing Tom to simply have his way with him. It’s turned rough, hard, maddening, and when they finally come, it’s practically coordinated, Mike’s pulsating clenches setting Tom off.

They breathe heavily through their orgasms, words leaving their lips but none of them able to register them, their minds lost in the waves of pleasure rushing though them.

When they eventually come down from their collective high, they flop down next to one another on the bed, Tom feeling the need to still be close, resting his head on Mike’s still heaving chest.

”You’re crazy, you know that?” He breathes into Mike’s skin.

”Well yeah, man, I think that’s a pretty common opinion,” Mike sighs, unaffected. ”Though…not because of last night. I was right about that.”

”Yeah, maybe you were,” Tom admits, kissing Mike’s incredibly soft skin, letting his fingers tease the soft hairs trailing down from his bellybutton.

”And we’re doing it again,” Mike states confidently. ”Just not today,” he adds, like an afterthought.

”Yeah. Not today,” Tom concurs, snuggling closer to his boyfriend. His wonderful, crazy, sexy, wickedly gorgeous, sensual phenomenon of a partner, who knows him better than he admits to know himself, who allows him what he’d never ask for, who offers him everything he could ever want without batting an eyelash.

His everything.

mike/tom, mike/tom/jensen, cw rps

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