(no subject)

Nov 06, 2007 01:47

updating??? jess? WHAAAAAT?!?!

its 2am and i dont feel like elaborating toooo much. just basic points and silly randomness.

However, serious note:
since the past week, life has changed drastically. I'm alot more happier with it. why? because i finally centered it; discovered what is really important to me.
Since the moment i had to take my dad to the hospital and finding out he was going in for heart surgery, i knew that school became secondary from then on.

i owe it to my cousins and teachers and friends who where there for me and my family. i realized how much life is really worth - appreciating each day and what each person individually means to me. Thank you guys in all of your support. I can't begin to describe what it meant to me to keep me calm and stable during that week.

On a lighter note:
work is still awesome. alot of friends' birthdays to celebrate this month. I know sammy had an awesome one =)
Going back to Philly in a matter of days and its just going to be fantastic. absolutely. i miss home.
I bought these two dresses for the wedding:



and this but in the red colour.


other stuff happening?? umm....besides Supernatural still being the best show alive, not much! I'll try to keep you posted more often. hopefully pictures to come of the east when i get back home.
love you all!

PS - few words:
november, shorts, green leaves, 90 degrees.....wtf.
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