(no subject)

Sep 18, 2007 20:05

I have no updated in F.O.R.E.V.E.R.

but i've decided to keep my journal. for now.
much thanks to sammy for reminding me of something she said a couple years ago that made me decide to stay. =) thanks sammy.

Life is crazy and lovely, and if it wasn't, i'm sure it would be boring.
school is very good. I worrying about how long my name will continue to scroll across the school marquee....its honestly, freakishly awesome to some extent.
Mr. Pryor visited me at work on friday. whoa
Mr. Stanley can read minds. Particularly in the mornings.

My one year is coming up! I wouldn't change one second of it.
I get the whole weekend to myself coming up. Hell. Yes.
MUSE CONCERT on thursday with my loves. It's going to be a riot.
Italy this summer was fantastic, but i'm taking a break from flying for a while.
However, im leaving for philly in november. =) Finally.
Mainly living by myself for the next few weeks. Rather nice.
However, working extremely hard for more than just a daily form of going to school.
Im emotionally and physically exhausted.
As you can tell from excitement of my writing.
Supernatural season 3 is just around the corner. yes, yes, y-e-s.

Nothing else is happening that i care to elaborate about.
Everyone who cares to know what is going on in my life, already knows, so i find this post rather comical.


BTW, Calvin and Hobbes should be a requirement of everyday living.

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