(no subject)

May 30, 2007 21:12

So I noticed today that it has been exactly one week since I've been out of school, and i cannot even express how amazing life has been on only the first week out.
Even though I got extremely sick on the last day of school, I think i'm finally all better. I haven't been sick in over 16 months!! ugh, when i get sick, i'm sick. So thankfully I'm all better and i owe it to alot of amazing people who took care of me. =)

Most of alot of people are out on vacation and traveling the world right now, and i'm so excited for them! Going to new places is such an amazing adventure; i hope you all are having a BLAST for me. Make sure to still keep me updated.

My days have been filling up on their own occord, and also partially to mine, but its the most exciting thing to wake up to everyday morning. (not to mention the company ;) ) I haven't felt this natural high on such a constant principal, and you know what the best thing about it is? Just a matter of making yourself happy - doing things that YOU want to do. Its always easier said then done, but when you actually do something you want, its a great feeling. I'm seeing everything so much clearer this year, and i wouldn't trade a moment of it for anything.

I could not ask for anything more amazing in life right now then everything i have; I love all of you guys too.

House to myself for the next month - independance has become very normal and exciting. I wonder if this is how my Tizzy feels in lovely China. ;-)

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