Nov 25, 2006 11:48
Yesterday was basically awesome. Jimmy came over after work, around 4:30-ish, and we played guitars to all the songs we used to know, and even some new Ben Folds songs. Had some dinner, played some more guitar, then went out to the mall with my brother and my sister to see Casino Royale. Such a tasteful Bond; I recommend everyone go see it. Afterwards, we lost Mike in the mall because he went out the wrong entrance. Then it was back here, and Jimmy and I played the James Bond theme on the guitar, haha. Sooo fun. Then we just watched some TV like WebJunk and South Park, Ghostbusters 2, and all kinds of stuff.
Today I have no idea what is going on. My group has to do our English project, but Collin is in Syracuse so we might have to do it tomorrow. But it has to get done. I still have to read the 80 pages of Black Boy and do my math homework. I have to help my dad with the Christmas lights, and I have a piano lesson that I'm not ready for. The end.