Jul 02, 2011 23:33
25 Random Things About Me
RULE: Once you've been tagged you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you it's because I want to know more about you.
To do this, go to "Notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app then click publish)
01. I appear confident, even as I feel insecure.
02. I'm ONLY organized in the lab. My personal life, not so much.
03. I'm not a morning person, at ALL.
04. I'm slowly getting back into country music, and alt-country.
05. I love college basketball, maybe too much.
06. I love music. Music = LIFE.
07. I have too many cats. But I love them all.
08. I love anything that has skulls on it
09. I love Blake Shelton's "Kiss My Country Ass"
10. I have a crush on a guy who works at Starbucks. But we all know I'd never do anything about it....11. I'm shy.
12. All the people I roomed with at Clemson became my BEST FRIENDS. And some of the people who I didn't did too.13. In high school I always felt like a freak.
14. I'm a "happy goth" like Abby on NCIS. Even though most of my happiness is a facade.
15. I obsess over my celebracrushes.
16. I love pop-punk rock.17l I may not LOOK punk, but I FEEL punk in my soul.
18. I love cameos. I found a ring at Target that had one on it, so I bought it.19. I recently bought two skirts. One to wear to interviews. And the other because it was flirty and fun.
20. I love Kohl's and Vera Wang maybe too much.
21 I like some R & B and Rap.
22 I love being an MLT. It may just be the perfect job for me.
23 I HATED Nursing. I don't care that I'd have made more money, it wasn't worth the unhappiness.
24 My favourite color is blue. Second fave is Orange. :D Duke and Clemson colors respectively.
25 I LOVE NKOTBSB. Donnie Wahlberg.
donnie wahlberg,
25 random things,
happy goth,
country music