Nov 12, 2009 09:09
This morning bright and early I registered for classes for my last semester! My schedule is going to be awesome possum, because all my classes fall on two days! Only Tuesday and Thursday’s, so I have three classes both those days. The rest of the week will be filled with work and doing school work, because even though I only have 12 credits I will be working on my 38-40 page thesis! AHHH~ very scary. D=
SP ’10 Semester:
TRA233 A Yoga II T-R-- 10:30a 11:50
PFAR185 A World Dance I T-R-- 12:00p 1:20p
PSYB328 A Gestalt: Presence T---- 6:00p 8:50p
PSYB483 A Senior Seminar II R-- 3:30p 6:20p