The End of the Wire

Dec 15, 2009 07:55

Recently I'd started watching The Wire. I made it through five episodes. I'm calling this one off.

The reason I can't watch cop dramas is that cops are for some reason rarely believable as fictional characters in my destimation. They always are written to toe the line between society's version of teacher's pet crossed with a noble tough guy mentality that undermines any sense of realism the writers might instill into the poilice work. Throw in the usual fringe characters like the cop who is annoying and usually a terrible detective but has a family connection and the rare lucky break and so can't be gotten rid of and the construction of most cop dramas becomes pretty vanilla from a character development standpoint.

I found The Wire to be little different. Honestly, most of the other characters were pretty engaging. They were what got me through five episodes. Humanization of the bad guys is something I appreciate in writing, be it written or for film. But I really don't have the time to watch mediocre TV. And I can't call The Wire anything but that after I realized I want to fast forward every time McNulty comes onscreen.

Looking for another show now, since I've gone from the summer of reading to being more drawn to intelligent film or television as of late. I'm watching I'ts Always Sunny In Philadelphia and enjoying it quite a lot. Usually watch those with the roommates though, so now I'm just poking around for something to watch a little more independently.
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