May 18, 2005 07:59
You know having two days in a row off from work is nice and all, but I really hate having to work five days in a row.... it gets annoying, if this gets annoying how the heck am I going to survive working in an office when I eventually great a real life job... *sighs* ah well I guess i'll just live with it. So in health news my mutated cold thingy is almost gone, but I am still sick.... But the big health issue right now is that Nemo (a.k.a. The Bratling, a.k.a. the Brat Prince) has a sort of Kitty flu/respreatory complex caused by three viruses. So for at least the next two weeks we have to give him a liquid oral antibiotic and antibiotic eye drops twice a day... and if anyone thought giving a cat a pill was hard, this is worse.
What else to say.... I can't think of anything, oh... except my horrible curse of writters block seems to have finally left the building, as I started writting something two nights ago that I actually like and think has good potental. so Yays!