Oct 05, 2005 16:49
Iam pregnant again!! Whoo-hoo! I can't believe it. I am really scared. My doctor's appointment is Friday morning. Iam nervous, to go lay on that bed and have them put that little machine up to my tummy and hear nothing expect my baby's amniotic fluid no heartbeat. That scares me to death. But I am trying to be optimistic. I have been horribly sick and heartburn to boot. I found out my friend Mike is haveing a little boy while his girl is. I am happy for them. I am so freaking tired. Ready to go home. Yes,yes,yes, I hope i have a son. But I don't care as long as it is healthy. John and I are doing great. He's excited too. Wow, it will be a year next month the 18th we will have been together for a fucking YEAR! I can't believe that shit. So much has happened. Well I have to go my sister is totally trippin about the phone. Hey Jess and Mel! Later