Dec 12, 2006 20:51
and now i am 20 years old, tired and my feet sore and swolen from the hard earth beneath me. jenny, dawn and my mother all called me for my birthday. there is still a warm glow in my heart from that. wayli called me today while i was making food. it was neat hearing how he was, comparing stories and talking like old times. thats what i've been missing so much these days, the old times.
i finished james christmas present last night. i do say, it's puuuurdy. kim, ezza and i all hung out in my room last night and watched "another gay movie" ate pizza and listened to the pounding rain outside. we didn't go to bed until 7am. christ it feels good to be young.
i should call my grandmother sometime soon. seceretly, i'm afraid she's going to die before i get to see her again.
i keep having weird dreams about car accidents, nicked semmis, driving behind blind puples, snow storms, wizards with tall staffs and a haunty dark feeling in the corner of my eye. i was on the farm again in the middle on one of the large feilds in one of my distant dreams from last night.
it's so strange to think that that farm... my first home and my mothers dream castle is now empty, full of cob webbs and dust bunnies. it's been a long time since a christmas tree stood in the corner, a turky was cooked in that oven or my sisters and i played "hide and go seek in the dark" when the house was at it's quietest.
it's funny the things you miss, (seven) years later.
again, again, again.
now my thoughts are filled with bills, shopping lists, a new city under a seemingly new sky with new stars. every 7 years every cell in your body dies and is made again. where will i be when i am 26 years old? will i feel tired then?
i guess time will tell.