I love jam!

Aug 20, 2006 01:03

Thoughts on 2OO and The Real World...

First off, in my opinion, 200 was awesome!!  Very different from the usual SG episode, but I like how they mix it up with a total comedic episode every once in awhile.  I've always loved the humor they bring to the show...that's why I miss O'neill!   But I digress, I liked Vala's "I love jam!" line when they were reading the script and how she was trying so hard to pitch ideas to Martin.  I really am becoming a big Vala fan this season!  The invisible O'neill part was hilarious!!  Carter talking to the empty chair, the coffee mug floating down the hall and Teal'c making a joke about it...all good stuff!  Puppet SG-1 was funny too, especially Hammond!  "Make it spin!  I want it to spin!"  hehe.  I miss Hammond!  Walter even got to be a puppet!!  And my favorite part of the whole episode...the walk through the gate at the end for two reasons.
1. SG-1 back together again!!  I felt like I was about to watch a classic SG-1 with the team setting off for yet another mission. 
2. WALTER!!!!!  Whoo hoooo!!  Yeah!  He finally got to go through the gate!!!  If you can't already tell, I am a big Walter fan!  He's just the character you can't help but like.  Kinda like Radar from MASH.  I liked how he got to star in the special before the show too!  You just can't have the 200h episode without Walter!  Absolutely loved this scene...
(O'neill invites Landry to come with through the gate)
Landry: Hey Walter! Come on were all going!
Walter: I dont have the right outfit!
Landry: You look fine!
(Walter gets up and heads to the gate room.  Cut to Walter entering the gate room and we see a miraculous outfit change to full gear including helmet!  Of course Walter would put safety first!)
And then the famous words...
O'neill: Ok, lets move out!

And now onto The Real World...
It was an ok episode, but it moved a bit too slow for my taste.  Obviously very Weir centered and TH did a great job with the acting, but it would have been nice to cut to Atlantis sooner and built up the tension of Weir being taken over by the nanites .  All the hospital scenes got to be too much all together like they were.  Weir taking down the hospital guys was pretty neat though!  Lots of nice outfits and the doggy was definitely a scene stealer!  Awwwww cute doggy!  Nice little scene with Mama Weir too.  Got to know a tiny bit more about Weir, but not as much as I was expecting.   I still want more background and development for the character!   Liked the part about her wanting to be an astronaut when she was little!  The team development this season has been good though.  Everyone was there supporting Weir.  Shep was protecting his family again and helped her win the battle against those pesky little replicators.  Side note: I still don't understand how that plastic was going to keep the replicators from spreading...and why was Beckett the only one wearing a hazmat suit??  There's something to think about...  One other thing I wish they would have added was having the other characters (Shep, Teyla, McKay, Ronon, Beckett) make an appearance in Weir's dream.  Not as themselves, but as a coffee vendor, one of the people from her negotiation...you get my drift.  People that she would recognize and then start to question the reality.  Of course the replicators would just tell her they are people she encountered in her daily life and put into her hallucination.  Think Wizard of Oz- "And you were there...and you...you all were!"  And now just click the heels of your fuzzy hopspital slippers together and say "There's no place like Atlantis...There's no place like Atlantis...  Ah darn, now where was I??  Oh yeah, other characters.  It would have been a little comic relief to see them so out of character and another way for her to discover what was really up with the replicators.

-End thought transmission-

stargate, the real world, 200, walter

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