Apr 24, 2006 22:19
Random Stargate Rambling...
Just watched SG-1 Heroes ep again. That is the saddest but best ep of SG-1 ever! I think I actually cried the first time I saw it, which doesn't usually happen when I watch TV! This was back when I was doing a marathon SG-1athon and I had no clue what was going to happen to Janet. I was totally shocked! I hated what happened to Janet, but it did make it a great ep. And Carter's speech, or should I say Teal'c, it was just perfect...tears again!
On to happier thoughts now...
I LOVE the part in Heroes 1 when Daniel gets a page and then takes off running to his office with the camera crew in hot pursuit thinking something really important is going to happen...only to find that Daniel has just received a fax that dates some artifact! SOOOOOOO hillarious!!
Second greatest moment is my favorite gate tech Walter explaining his role at the SGC. "Well, basically when the gate is dialing I say chevron 1 encoded, chevron 2 encoded, and so on ... incrementally up to the 7th chevron which is a little different because that's when the wormhole connects ... err ... when that happens I like to shake things up a little bit and just say chevron 7 locked." Gotta love Walter!!
And speaking of gate techs, you can't forgot Siler. He is so dedicated to his job he is even willing to get shot by a staff weapon.
SILER: It's all good! I'm fine!
LEE: you see yeah ... he does that all the time.
So, this kinda turned into a tribute to the gate techs of the SGC, but the place couldn't run without them!
End Random Stargate Rambling. Now back to your regularly scheduled prog-...well whatever you were doing. :-)