I'm FINALLY back to post something!
My whole fandom life has been pushed to the back burner lately because of RL. Darn RL! I'm finding a little more time to squeeze in fandomy things now though. Yay! I really miss Gateworld! S5 of Atlantis was so disappointing. In a way, I'm glad it ended because it wasn't the Atlantis I knew and loved, but I still miss it! I haven't read a lot about Universe yet, but the whole Ancient ship lost in space bit sounds a lot like Atlantis to me... Hopefully the writing will be good! The JT writing apparently took a detour in SGA-WHY??? And what was with Bill Nye? I eventually came around to McKay/Keller. Poor Ronon though! I wanted to see more of him and Amelia the gate tech. Neither Shep or Ronon really had a happy shipper ending... I wonder what the movie will be like? As long as it has Todd in it, I'll be happy! LoL!
Without SGA, I did find Sanctuary! Amanda Tapping is great in it! It doesn't hurt that it has Ladon and Lorne and Todd/Halling in it once in awhile either! :) Can't wait for the new season to start!
I opened Photoshop for the first time in months today and realized how much I missed making icons, sigs, and walls! I decided to pick up where I left off on the JT episode quotes art project. The ones I had done were from S4 and now I'm starting from the beginning when things were still good for Atlantis.
Rising Pt 1
You can't deny there was a connection there! Look at their eyes!
Rising Pt 2
I really like how this one turned out! :) I haven't done walls in awhile because it's hard to come up with a design that looks good...I like icons because they are all about cropping-fun! I took the best of both here and made tiny icon circles. :)