[Gin can be seen in the lobby, sitting on a bamboo mat he had retrieved from the kitchen staff. He is not in his usual outfit, but is actually wearing the simple, meager cloth of a Buddhist monk. His eyes are closed tightly, and his legs are crossed, and all he utters is a simple, periodic "Om" from time to time.((Note: Gintoki will be a monk this
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You cannot be normal for one day, can you.
To be "normal" is to be ensnared by the trivial, material pleasures and pursuits of life, which only induce suffering.
[He opens his eyes and casts Lenalee a glance of pity.]
You appear to be eternally troubled, my child. What is the matter?
[Irritated, Lenalee gives him a very sarcastic smile.]
I'm fine/.
Come, sit with me. We shall meditate.
[Meditating was something Lenalee knew how to do and did regularly. Congratulations, Gin, on managing to sidestep frustrating her further and get her to sit with you.]
Meditation is calming.
[He closes his eyes once again, silent for a few minutes, and then he returns to chanting "Om." The resonance of the word echoes throughout his soul, or at least, that is what he believed.]
Silence is helpful.
Although silence is golden, the sound of Om is more precious than silence. If you were truly immersed in your inner self, you would not hear me, and if I were at that stage, I would not hearph you norf eeilg yourph pinchfing.
I will be quiet, then, in an attempt to relieve you. Please sit back down. I only am encouraging you for your better interest.
I will not provoke you any longer if you do not wish to talk. I am assuming this is regarding relationship problems.
Do remember: Physical attractions to the opposite sex are fatal. It is yet another trap, much like greed.
What gives you that impression.
That is what tends to upset you most often.
I'm bitter, but it's nothing of your concern.
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