Random art post

Aug 15, 2007 22:48

I sort of meant to post some of this randomness earlier in the summer, but you know, all that sunshine and lack of work got to me. This also accounts for my lack of productfulness, though I have recently started penny-drabbling again.

Speaking of which, I updated character profiles, so that can also be checked out here. Of course, shizalent is the wonderful artiste for those.

Anyway, basically at the candy store during the month of June, it's not all that busy since there aren't as many people around. Also, heat makes people more inclined to eat frozen goods rather than chocolatey sweets. In any case, I had some time on my hands. What was supposed to be a new sign turned into a paper whale and an ink sketch of a bird that's supposed to be a raven (according to the thing I was copying) which didn't look too much like a raven, but did look like a bird. A rather nice bird too.

Also, back at the apartment, after obtaining permission from my roomie with the awesome professional markers, I set to some marker-testing and ended up with Lucifer (the Morning Star, the "original" one as it were), which (other than Luce's splediforous scrapbook of Awesome Fun Time) is probably this summer's most artistic endeavor. Kamui was referenced, and no Lucifer has black hair. It's just that with all the colors those markers came in, it seemed a waste to just make his hair black, so it is artistically blue.

Randomly, happy early birthday to me! Aaaaaahhh!!!

artsy stuff, demons, life update

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