Okay, technically the birthday was yesterday, but I had no idea the rendering would take so long. But it's still January 15th in the US and on YouTube where I've uploaded the video, so all is fine, hehe.
Anyway, I've made another one of those Terry & Rex movies, and this time I've added music and sound! So naturally I had to upload it to YouTube (which make me feel a bit weird since admittedly, most people who are watching this account are probably waiting for the next awesome House/Wilson video which probably isn't going to happen since that was a one-shot stroke of genius...). That has the downside that it looks REALLY sucky now! >.< But I don't know how to fix it. Anyway, if you just want to check it out, look:
This little animation probably doesn't make sense to anyone but Leo and me, but still... LOL. Leo happens to reeeeeally like dinosaurs ("But they're awesome!") and so I've taken on the habit of creating little dinosaur-related animations for fun. Jurassic Park is often the subject of our disputes since I'm not really that fond of these movies and like to mock them. *g* This animation is me poking fun at the neeeeeverending opening theme of Jurassic Park.
For Leo, here's the direct link so you can grab the embed link or whatever for your LJ to show it around:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGXeBj3g9ws ^^
If you want to look at the video in its full glory, download the large copy (which is surprisingly small O.o)