"Oops! I slipped... let me repeat that :P"
BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin)
a vaccine against tuberculosis that is prepared from a strain of the attenuated (weakened) live bovine tuberculosis bacillus, Mycobacterium bovis, that has lost its virulence in humans by being specially cultured in an artificial medium for years.
BCG is given as a single intradermal injection at the insertion of the deltoid. If BCG is accidentally given subcutaneously, then a local abscess may form (a BCG-oma) that may ulcerate and often requires treatment with antibiotics
I remembered giving this vaccine on a baby (not like the evil nurse!). It's quite an experience XD
Next week I'll be having my experience at NICU (neonatal ICU)... more babies to come **sigh**
Wish me luck :)