Lt. Dan Choi has been discharged on account of being a homo Lt. Choi is wonderful in person and devoted to service of the United States and the ideals of our constitution. His prowess in Arabic translation is entirely the DoD's loss. Choi has given his West Point ring to Harry Reid, whom he had charged with defending his right to serve actively. Reid now had promised to do what he can to overturn Do't Ask Don't Tell and reinstate those discharged for homosexuality. In the post Reid's his letter to President Obama, which also describes another active serviceman, Lt. Col. Victor Fehrenbach, who is being discharged under the policy after 18 years of distinguished military service.
Sometimes I wonder if modern America is as much about missing the value in others for painting wide strokes in the negative column for petty things. Why is the
Son of Sam enjoying a thriving ministry from prison? Why is the army instating violent felons, but gay servicemen and women with unblemished records are prosecuted for the directions of their affections (even if there is no object of them!)? Is simply being and being honest about it not virtue? It's enough to make me scream.
Oh, and Maggie Gallagher, head of National Organization for Marriage, chides pro-marriage equality demonstrators with no hint of irony that
Hate is not a family value. As she leads a protest against civil rights that draws people who
suggest in their signs violent "solutions" for gay marriage which involve exterminating gay folks (the sign has a ministry association on the bottom; I've a mind to write them about how Christ-like they're being).
People are such dicks. I'm going to the grocery store, then home to try to drink away my concerns.