I've been rewatching
Trigun, starting Friday night. I am still amazed at how well constructed the story is, how ridiculous Vash can be, and how lightly but deftly the series deals with some of life's hard questions. It's oddly comforting.
Today wasn't my bad day, but what a dear friend's touched in me. Hard questions to ask myself. It's true, "The past cannot be buried." Much of mine still tunnels beneath the sands, bursting through the surface with little warning. I have to try to catch the hellions, soothe them, and lay them to rest before they dive beneath again, unreachable. Still it's easy to get caught in the ripples and whirlpools of these eruptions.
I should save some of this series for tomorrow, lest the new hard question be, "Should I go to work at all Monday?" (Yes, I know it's a holiday. No I do not feel my absence will be excused.)