
Aug 14, 2008 22:45

A week or two ago, in the storm of publicity over Stephanie Meyer's Breaking Dawn, a dear friend handed me Twilight, the first book in the series, and told me I had to read this bad vampire fiction. It was entertainingly bad, I was told. Being a fan of Forever Knight and the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series, I obliged.

I tried to read it. I tried to enjoy it, but wound up trying to tolerate it. With every page I wanted to slap the main character harder. I made it ten pages in before quitting. The main character, Bella, is weak and whiny, while somehow managing to hold together her shell of a family. She goes on incessantly about how much she hates Forks, even though she's moving to the town voluntarily. She whines about the prospect of sharing a bathroom with her father, and more about the reality. Bella comes off as a spoiled, selfish brat. The first plot hole was on page 5: a complete lack of wait or security at the Phoenix, AZ airport. Reader, one of those 5 pages was blank! I quit!

So Twilight shall remain unread unless my readership both demands a review and provides sufficient comraderie and tranquilizing substances to make the trip tolerable. At least that awful book crevette's reviewing is short and outlandish.

Here are two reviews of the series which confirm it's best for me to stop on page 10 rather than plowing through 1500 pages to get to the gratuitous but still vague sex:
Washington Post review
Karindira talks about bonding with her daughter over the ridiculousness

I'll stick with Laurel K Hamilton, who can write sex, suspense, and strong leading women.


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