
Apr 21, 2007 02:01

Quantum secrets of photosynthesis revealed

The New Scientist warns about a potent strain of wheat blight

How not to be an asshole: A guide for men. Summary: Shut off your own commentary and believe a woman when she says something happened, or she feels a certain way. This little bit of common courtesy is essential!

NY Times: SCOTUS uholds abortion procedure ban in a 5-4 decision. Here is a link to the decision and dissent. Ruth Bader Ginsberg's dissent is poignant, to the point, and illustrative of the centrality of negation of women's agency in this ban. Slate takes a critical view of Kennedys majority opinion, which seems to primarily be, "it's icky." TerranceDC at Pam's House Blend writes about the stories of women who have these late-term abortions, which illustrate the circumstances of women who desperately want to have a child but are carrying children who are dead already or will be born to die painfully within a short period (under 2 years with the best care).

Unmarried with Children: How bearing children early may actually help young poor women improve their lives.

Women in the Workforce "Women feel guilt more times per day than adolescent boys think about sex, and folks, that’s a lot!" Damn straight that we need to stop feeling guilty and enjoy ourselves a little!

Gay rights
Illinois lawmakers mock transgendered people in open session on a bill that would ease the process of obtaining a new birth certificate with the correct sex. Democratic Rep. Sara Feigenholtz said, "I think a lot of my colleagues demonstrated some serious insensitivity to a very complex issue. I thought it was very unprofessional.''

Salt Lake Tribune: BYU changes honor code to reflect a less strict ban on homosexuality. You can still be expelled for advocating that homosexual behavior might not be immoral, but you can't be expelled anymore simply for being gay.

Oregon's civil rights bills head to the governor. This should be signed into law next week!

Pam at her House Blend blog talks about making sure campaign promises about equality won't ring empty. The major factor? Getting politicians on record about specific measures, particularly marriage equality, ye olde DOMA, and the tyranny of the majority.

National miscellany
An effort to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices with manufacturers like an HMO was obstructed by 5 votes in the Senate this past week. Note the "neutral" take of WaPo: Drug negotiation effort fails versus the take of the advocacy-minded Common Sense: Senate minority and drug lobby obstruct people's will

FEMA apparently is auditing and recalling aid money given legitimately to families in need after hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Disgusting!

The fascist who passed for white about Lawrence Dennis, a mixed-race man who headed the American Nazi movement in the 30s.

Raw Story: Human trafficking suspected in caseof Indian guest workers in Mississippi

science, feminism, gay rights

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