ABC reports
a federal judge has struck the Oklahoma ban on adoptions by same-sex couples.
Graduates at the New School for Social Research in NYC protested John McCain's speech at their commencement ceremony Friday. McCain was mainly stumping on behalf of the Republicans at the invitation of his personal friend, the College's president. Student opposition was sizable, vocal, and peaceful. "The senator does not reflect the ideals upon which this university was founded," a student speaker said.
The Advocate reports that
Howard Dean says he's sorry for 'misrepresenting' the Democratic party platform in an appearance on The 700 Club on May 10. The interview transcript they printed, though, shows him vascillating wildly on issues of gay rights and gay marriage, unwilling to commit even to his own beliefs on the matter. Color me unimpressed with Dean's apology.
And an update on my previous post (
Forever Pregnant). It turns out that despite the tone of the WaPo article, the
CDC report itself is sensible and recommends lifelong family planning including the use of contraception. It does not advocate treating women who are using contraception properly as pre-pregnant. The report addresses the concerns I had, including recommendations for improvements in health care for poor women with insufficient access right now. Shame on WaPo for misrepresenting the tone of the report. For 30 pages of rationale and recommendations, with an additional 10 pages of references and affiliated persons and organizations, there should have been ample material to pick out the key recommendations and present them as a step forward.