People are posting their "Books I read in 2005" lists to
hipsterbookclub and clogging up the list. I don't think my list is too interesting or impressive, but I think it's useful at the end of the year and see what I did for myself in terms of reading.
For me
1. Coyote Kings of the Space-Age Bachelor Pad - Minister Faust
2. A Game of Thrones - George R. R. Martin
3. Anansi Boys - Neil Gaiman
4. Tansmetropolitan - Vols. 1-6 (7-10 still to go). Thanks for the loan and your patience,
5. The Feminine Mystique - Betty Friedan (in progress. I've only managed to complete 50% so far, due to time constraints and political angriness)
6. A Clash of Kings - George R. R. Martin (in progress, about 30% done)
7. The Last Sorcerers - Richard Morris. (in progress) This has been hysterical so far, and is very easy to read with a lay audience in mind. Sarah doesn't see what's so funny about some of the bits I read out loud, but this is written with my sense of humor in mind. I'm also learning about the discovery of the elements, since I forgot anything I learned in general chem. other than Priestly isolating oxygen first. 50% complete, and it's kept me rapt.
I am ashamed at how small my list is (and how much of it is still "in progress"), but considering the amount of other stuff I've had going on, I think it's acceptable.
For Work
A stack of scientific papers about a two feet tall. No lie. Between my research proposal for my current lab work, my oral exam work, and my manuscript, it might even be more.