Sep 19, 2007 08:21
I was told that the nerve block would wear off by 2 am this morning. Guess what? It is still going strong. I've regained feeling in my upper quad. Yesterday, I was numb up to my hip. Today, only from mid-thigh down. I woke up this morning feeling totally elated, like, wow!, no pain! I must a.) be a beast, b.) be more affected by the percoset than expected, or c.) the pain hasn't actually hit me yet. I fear the correct choice is c. So while I was told day 2 would be the worst, maybe it will be day 3 for me. But I'm only supposed to have hardcore intense pain through around day 3, maybe day 4, so things should look up.
Good news:
This morning I could get to the bathroom without intense pain, unlike last night before I started on the percoset. Seriously. Last night, pre-perc, I needed both parents to help me get to the bathroom, which is pretty humiliating, and I was crying out from pain the whole time. So maybe a.) the swelling is down a little, or b.) the percoset is workin' hard. Either way, I don't care. We'll see how I handle it when the nerve block wears off, though.
My doctor wanted me to do leg lifts to keep up some strength. I think I laughed at him. So far have done 40 today, though. They're not straight leg lifts yet because I cannot in fact straighten my leg, but it's working the muscles a little. Again, we'll see how this goes after the nerve block wears off.
Also I have been able to successfully and constantly pump my foot up and down, which helps keep fluid out of the knee. Hopefully this too is working. It is hard to tell when your entire leg is wrapped up in super hot bandages. Rrowr.
Finally, sleep is spotty. I pretty much take my perc, sit around for an hour, and then sleep for an hour or two or three, and wake up to take the perc again. My mom wants me to take less, but the doc said 2 every 4 hours and since I don't know what the pain will be like when the nerve block fades I do not want to risk it.
More later if I am cogniesient, my medication is starting to kick in.