Jul 18, 2005 21:47
Gah! I curse you, novel! I CURSE YOU!
You folks probably know about my stuff by now. If you haven't, well.... Nutty you have obviously escaped my mind-takeover campaign to ensure you all want to spend your money on making me rich when the book gets published :p
Anyway. About a year or so back it started the long laborious switch to Third Personhood. I have to say I couldn't be more delighted with this. It's been going so well, and the characters are so much more alive. People like Shade, Yisseca and Serval have now all gone and developed their own personalities and likes and dislikes and goals in life. It's wonderful to read and I know I've made the right decision.
The sodding plot, however, is rewriting itself as a result Hissy fit The start of the book, although recognisable, is now taking so many different twists and turns to get to the same place. I'm on Chapter 7 now and it STILL hasn't been discovered who is Phoenix's father and I have this suspiscion we won't even meet Rayne until 9. This time around, Phoenix isn't going to leave Raenmae until he's hit Rayne and is overwhelmed with guilt. This time around, the reunion between the twins is going to be something entirely different.
The side effect of all the other characters getting real defining parts in the book is that they're all now clamouring for a say Cheesy I mean, here's some annoying side effects that, although they're going to be awesome to write, mean an entire rethink of how the situation is handled.
1) Shade. He's turning out to be the real player in this thing Smiley Now I'm going to have hell stopping him from going after Phoenix once they realise he's been recaught. Queue having to find someway of stopping him from doing so short of locking him up/killing him. Arf.
2) Serval. Who has developed a massive hero complex because his almost-daddy was one. Grin Plus, he has an obsession with Rune Cards now and wants to teach P to play them. How did Phoenix respond to having the Kit equivilant of Magic:The Gathering shoved in his face? He wants to play too.
3) Phoenix himself, who has decided that he'll wind himself up into a temper when I decided that he wasn't going to, or remains calm and collected when he's supposed to lose it. I hate my characters. Curse you allllll!
Cursed characters! All of them!