I got this from Beth's journal. I like copying off of other people.. Heh.
This is some personality test thingy.
Conscious self
Overall self
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test Enneagram Test Results Type 1 Perfectionism |||||||||||||||| 69% Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||| 33% Type 3 Image Focus |||||||||||||||||| 74% Type 4 Hypersensitivity |||||||||| 33% Type 5 Detachment |||||||||| 37% Type 6 Anxiety |||||||||||||||||| 77% Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||||||| 57% Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||||||||||||||||| 86% Type 9 Calmness |||||||||| 35% Your Conscious-Surface type is 8w7
Your Unconscious-Overall type is 8w7
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test Bascally.. For the most part this is fairly correct. My conscious and subconcious personalities are the same.. So, does this mean that I am the same person that everyone sees me as? If so, I am glad that I am totally true deep inside and all outside.
My type behavior motivation says that 'I must be strong and in control to get what I want.'
I do feel this way. I think that I am the only one that can shape my own future. My life right now is a direct reflection of the decisions that I have made. I am the only one that can better or worsen my life.
I am 86% aggressive. I consider this to be pretty true. I have a very aggressive personality. I voice my opinion and often have to get my way (not all childish like.. But if I want something I am aggressive enough to force my way to get it).
77% Anxiety.. I don't know about this one.. I don't think that I suffer from much anxiety.. But I guess I do let things get to me. I do worry a lot about what is going on in my life.. I guess a part of such worrying is that often it bothers me enough to do something about it, to get my way in the end.
74% Image focus. I like this one. That also goes with my aggressiveness. I have image focus, I have ideas, and I plan them out and pursue them. I am very talented craft wise, and I would like to say that I am very good with creating perfect images in my head. Perhaps that is in part why my favorite books to read are entirely fantasy....
69% Perfectionism.. I don't think I am that perfect. But I guess this could all go hand in hand with me being an aggressive person who has good image focus. If I can imagine something, and I am aggressive enough to achieve it, why not have it the way I want it too?
I do not however, agree with what it says about me being a cold person that has little or no regard for other people's feelings. I do care, but not enough to let other people walk all over me. Plus, I don't just care about anyone. I know it sounds mean almost, but I am not saying this in a mean way at all. I am just sick of being used and hurt. So, the only people whose feelings I regard at all are pretty much my close friends and family. Everyone else must earn their respect from me. That isn't mean is it? I mean, I do give people chances to prove themselves to me. . .
Maybe I will do some more later.. I am going to make some jewelry now. I went shopping today and bout this cute black kitty charm that reminds me of Blackie. It was supposed to be $16 from JC Penny (Just for the charm) but it was 1/2 off. I have pink beads, and I am going to make the necklace to match my black and pink dress that I bought for my cousin Liz's wedding. Woohoo!