Mar 03, 2002 23:06
I don't have much interesting to say tonight, plus I'm burned out from a day of running around Chuck E. Cheese chasing after Tyler and his three-year old friends. So I'm just gonna cut to the chase and give you my "Friend of the Day", since that seems to be the major attraction here nowadays.
So today, March 3rd, the winner is... Jenny Stoddard. Congratulations! Well, Jen and I met in the fall of 2000... she lived down the hall from me (in my ex-girlfriend's old room, ironically). We had some fun times that year, usually inolving hockey in some form. Whether it was watching games on my TV ('cause she was poor and didn't have one in her room... hahaha), or playing hall hockey and pissing off our Asian hallmates by slamming their door with the ball, it was a good time. Our relationship has had some great moments, some awkward ones, some good points and some sore ones, but on the whole, I'm really glad we've stayed friends through it all. And I couldn't be happier that she and my buddy Mike (SHAMELESS PLUG: yeah, I guess I'll feature that shithead Mike sometime later this month...) have been together for over two years now. God bless your patience, dear (just kidding, dude). I hope for nothing but the best for you both. I'm such a pro at setting my friends up. So that's Jen, in a nutshell. And since I know she loves to hear it once in a while, I'll close this one up with a, "Good night, gorgeous."
Peace my friends,
~ M.J.K. ~