Jul 14, 2008 04:19
Matt and I are in a rut. We have awesome wedding news (we found a friend who does catering an said he would cater our entire wedding for $500!!!) But other than that... things are crap. We found a few houses in Colerain that we're going to look at, but I'm not nearly as thrilled about them as I was the other ones. AND I still don't have a job. Cingular was a bust... Ive applied at a few places online and haven't heard from any of them. I'm basically screwed right now. And my car is getting worse. Its making some awful noise right now and I don't know where its coming from. So basically whats happening is what always happens when I'm unemployed. Life is on a backwards spiral. Basically its all crap.
We have decided that if one more house does not go our way, we are giving up the search. So today, just as a kind of, I dunno, I guess you could call it spontaneous thing. I Googled Jobs in Denver Colorado that Matt can do, and, well, I applied him for one. We've discussed it, and if they were to offer him x amount of money, he would take it. (I say x because you have to figure in cost of living difference. So if he were making 41 there, it would equal what he is making here now. So he would have to make 45+ for him to take it). We'll see how it goes. Other than that, he has a job interview sometime in the next week or 2 for a job he really wants, that also may get him a raise and the possibility of moving to Colorado. So I have my fingers crossed that it works out one way or the other.
I know Ive said it before and I will say it again. People seem to think that Ive got it in my head that if I move to Colorado, all my problems will go away. That is not my mindset. I need to make that very clear. I don't expect to move out there and my car will magically be all better, or, I'll get the job of my dreams and stay there for the rest of my life, or that all my bills will magically be paid. However, I know for a face, there is a better Quality of Life to be had. Cincinnati people are miserable people. The city is dirty and ghetto, and everyone hates everyone else. Or if they don't hate everyone else, they are loud and obnoxious and like to be loud outside in the middle of quiet neighborhoods. People in Cincinnati are VERY conservative and I hate it. I am VERY VERY VERY Liberal, if not Libertarian. Colorado is known for being highly Liberal, Laid back and, well, awesome in general.
I'm not trying to be political about it, but people that are Conservative are typically (not always) typically rude, and snooty, and I hate them lol. People that are Liberal, are usually much more laid back and easy going. I am definitely on the more laid back side (about most things lol. Im sure there are a few of you who will say I'm an uptight witch.) Kinda like how smokers are much more laid back then non smokers. When your a server, you always ALWAYS know its MUCH easier to wait on smokers than it is non smokers. I see this the same way. I would much rather live with the laid back Liberal smokers than the Conservative ass non smokers. Again, Im not trying to be political, and I'm all for people having their own beliefs (Religious or Political or whatever). Its just the way I'm putting it.
I have also talked to many people who have lived in/ currently live in Colorado, and they all say the same thing. They all say that if they could move back, they would do it in a heart beat. And they all say they love it out there. Rather than sitting around on weekends doing nothing, or going shopping, these people go out and do things outdoors. They go hiking, camping, biking, skiing, all of that. I just feel like if I moved out there (or away from Cincinnati in general) I would live a much healthier life (physically and mentally). I love being outdoors, and I don't get to spend nearly as much time outside as I would like to. I cant get Matt to do things outdoors because its either too hot, or we don't feel like driving the half our or hour and a half, to the nearest "outdoors" type area (Whitewater or Huston woods). Ive always wanted to be able to bike or walk to work... You cant do that in Cincinnati. Especially living on the west side and trying to bike downtown? You friggin kidding me? What are my options there? Straight downhill on Montana or Up and Down and Up and Down on the Boulevard? Then the trip back? Straight Up hill on Montana or back up and down on the Blvd again? It just cant happen. Or if we live in Colerain, what am I supposed to do? Ride a bike in Colerain traffic? Only if I have a death wish! Denver is next to the mountains on a flat flat surface. Everything is easy to get to and just, amazing.
I know, I'm rambling.
Florence Henderson is awesome
Click makes me cry every time I watch it.
mental health problems,
car problems,