Meme: Seven Quirks/Habits/Facts

Jun 28, 2008 18:21

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A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."

Ok, I tag
- Well, if you feel like doing it, lol!

1. I used to do amateur dramatics. The best part I ever played was a drunken village idiot called Scrub - I got to dance in wellington boots and sing "drink luberly glublic"!

2. I used to be an animal rights activist and only stopped because of the ol' illness.

3. Ok I just told
gregoria44 this so I might as well tell others: at school people thought I was a lesbian. Guess it's cause I didn't show much interest in the boys at our school, and maybe also cause when people asked I told them I was, lol!

4. I like hats and wear them a lot. Why don't more people wear hats?

5. My first obsession was Labyrinth when I was around 5. I watched it all the time and developed a total crush on David Bowie. Looking back I am somewhat disturbed that my first crush was on a man in make up and extremely tight trousers, lol!

6. I don't like fashion. I'm really not bothered what music/drink/food/clothes/shoes/tv/magic sodding number is currently "in".

7. I sometimes wrinkle my nose when I'm irritated. I think I spent too many of my early years with my Golden Retriever!   


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