On the privatisation of ACC

Oct 28, 2009 21:51

Well, tangentially at least.

Naturally enough, I'm signed up with a bunch of left-leaning social-network groups, and a pattern that seems to be rising again and again is this strange sense of betrayal at the Maori Party's antics in colluding with the National government.

It strikes me that the Left is a little behind the times in their consideration of Maori and their position in society.  Somehow, it doesn't seem to have caught on that there are actually plenty of really quite wealthy Maori in New Zealand - and not just among the corporate iwi, either.

In moving toward the right, the Maori Party is not betraying Maori.  Not all Maori are poor, and in fact the ones with political (and thus economic) clout are likely to be the ones that would benefit from growth-encouraging politics such as those espoused by Act (and, to a lesser degree, National) - and, of course, vice versa.  The Maori Party is simply representing those Maori that have a vested interest in politics.

My question is, how far behind the times is the Left in other areas?  What else is passing us by?
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