Enterprising Young Men Part 1

Mar 17, 2010 13:11

Summary: When Spock passes out on the bridge one day, McCoy and Kirk band together to help him through his crisis, no matter what. They just wish they had known what to expect a little earlier.

James T. Kirk, one of the youngest captains ever, and in command of the flagship Enterprise, was faced with a dilemma. In most circumstances, he would rely upon the advice of his friend and First Officer, Spock, to help him. In this case, it wasn’t possible, as Spock was the source of his dilemma.

“Okay, let’s make sure I’m getting this right. You don’t know why my First Officer passed out on the bridge this morning because his vitals keep changing? Give me something better, Bones.”

“It’s the strangest thing, Jim, I’ve never seen anything like it. The blood sample I managed to get before he woke up is nothing like his baseline. Hormones and adrenaline so high I don’t know how he’s sitting still. Whenever I get in his line of sight, his pulse and blood pressure skyrocket even more and I don’t want to add more stress to his body, so I have to high tail it out of there. Unfortunately, the green-blooded hobgoblin won’t talk to my nurse at all, so I have no clue if this is normal for him or if I should be really worried.” McCoy finished his explanation by sinking further into his chair, which Jim unconsciously copied.

“Great, so how do we fix this? I know next to nothing about Vulcan biology, and if you can’t get in there, then we’re fucked.”

“Uhura might know something. Then again, she might not, but I figure we need to look wherever we can. I need your permission before I can talk to her.”

“You got it. Get her down here and try to figure out what’s wrong with my First Officer.”

“On it.” McCoy fingered the intercom on his desk and requested Uhura to report to sickbay immediately. “In the meantime, mind telling me exactly what happened before Spook passed out?”

“If you think it’ll help. I came to the bridge after having breakfast with you. He looked a little off, but I thought he was just coming down with a cold. I was making my rounds, and I heard him do his ‘fascinating’ bit, so I leaned over to ask him what was up. Next thing I know, I have my arms full of a passed out Vulcan.” Even in Jim’s head, the series of events made no sense.

McCoy cursed. “Damnit, was it just chance that you caught him, or did you set him off? And if it was you that started this in him, then why are his vitals going crazy when he sees me? None of this makes sense, goddamnit!”

Luckily for both men’s tempers, a nurse brought Uhura into McCoy’s office. “If there something you boys need? Is Spock okay?” She asked, leaning against the chair Jim wasn’t occupying.

“We’re actually trying to figure that out. But of course, there’s nothing in Spock’s file that even resembles this, and the VSA files his father gave us offer nothing as well. I was kinda hoping that Spock might have told you something about this when you two were still together.”

Uhura looked somewhat perplexed, but she nodded and said, “I’ll do what I can. What exactly have you figured out so far?”

McCoy rattled off his medical data, with Jim adding his own anecdotal evidence. (“Body temperature elevated above normal ranges.” “Normally he’s a heating pad, but today he was like an overheating warp coil!” “Shut up, Jim!”) By the time they were finished, Uhura had started muttering under her breath in what sounded like Vulcan. They let her continue for a time, when she suddenly opened her eyes wide in what might have been shock. “Uhura? You in there? Come on, Lieutenant, I’m already down one officer,” Jim tried to rouse her, concerned.

With a shake, Uhura seemed to come back to herself. “I think I know what might be wrong with Spock. But I need to talk to him first. I’ll be right back.”

She rushed out of the office, and McCoy and Jim could hear a muffled conversation in some dialect of Vulcan that neither recognized. Uhura’s voice sounded concerned, and although Spock was speaking in his usual monotone, Jim could hear a note of what sounded like resignation in that low voice.

Uhura came back after a few minutes, a strange look on her face. It seemed to combine embarrassment with determination. She took and released a deep breath before she began to speak.

“Okay, what I’m going to tell you is embarrassing enough for me, so just imagine how it is for Spock, alright?” Once both men had nodded, she continued in a rush of words. “Spock’s in pon farr. Apparently the combination of your scents overloaded him this morning, because his mind accidently bonded to both of you.”

Before Uhura could say any more, McCoy interrupted her. “Slow down, Uhura. Just what on God’s green Earth is pon farr? I’ve never heard of anything like that before.”

Uhura seemed to curl in on herself. “The best way to describe it in Standard is as a killer heat, which if Spock doesn’t satisfy, will drive him mad and then kill him.”

“Wait, you mean Vulcans aren’t totally repressed sexually? I thought they could control every aspect of their biology,” Jim asked, scatter-brained genius that he was showing through.

“This is something left over from before Surak, when Vulcans were warriors. Even with all their control, they haven’t managed to subdue this yet,” Uhura explained gravely.

“Alright, then what did you mean by mates? I’ve never slept with Spock, “McCoy glanced at the captain from the corner of his eye, “and I’m pretty sure that Jim hasn’t either, so how could we be his mates? It just doesn’t make sense, darlin’.”

Uhura sighed again. “It’s because Vulcans are telepathic. Bonds for them form from mental compatibility. Apparently, when he melded with you two on Ky’ratha, his mind found its match in Jim’s, and you got pulled in with it.”

“My mind? What could Spock’s mind possibly find attractive in my head?” Jim asked, confused and abrupt. “Hell, in the beginning we almost hated each other. I’m pretty sure my mind has no redeeming qualities to Spock.”

Uhura was quiet for a while, before she answered. “He said you’re his t’hy’la.” Her voice was meek, want and envy evident in her tone. “The closet thing in human terms would be soul mates. Two people who are perfect matches in every way. Most Vulcans can’t even dream of finding such a perfect partner.”

“And Spock said he found this in Jim?” McCoy clarified with disbelief. “And I got dragged along when he did that mind whammy to both of us? That’s just great. So what, we need to have a threesome to save Spock’s life? Yeah, like that makes sense.”

“Take it easy, Bones, and let’s figure out how this is going to happen. Uhura, what else can you tell us about his pon farr business?” Jim, actually acting like a leader, took control of the conversation.

“If you guys get started soon, it should only last for two days. However, this would also make you his mates, permanently. There’s a chance a Vulcan healer would be able to dissolve the bond that would form, but the most skilled ones died with Vulcan,” Uhura was clearly in lecture mode. That meant that Jim had to interrupt her.

“Bond? Like, I’ll be able to hear him in my head kind of bond? For real?” Jim almost looked excited by the idea, while McCoy looked somewhat concerned. Uhura shrugged. “I think that depends on your own psi level, but it’s possible”

“You seem know a lot about this. Why don’t you take care of this?” McCoy offered, callously.

“I only know about this because I looked into it myself. Spock didn’t tell me anything, so don’t start thinking he was grooming for this or something, Leonard.”

McCoy held up his hands in defeat.

“C’mon, Bones. Maybe you’ll finally get to answer your questions on Vulcan physiology.”

“Jim, I don’t need to know anything more about Vulcans; you’re the one who’s too goddamn curious about everything.”

“Are you two going to help him or are you going to chat about him while he dies?!” Uhura stopped their debate before it could begin. Both men had the decency to look mildly ashamed.

“Sorry. I was just trying to get rid of the tension. It’s kinda weird to be told that someone’s life depends on you having sex with them,” Jim said softly, not at all like his usual cocky self.
“I understand that, Captain. But right now, we need to focus on Spock and how to help him,” Uhura answered calmly but clearly concerned for her friend.
McCoy huffed in exasperation. “I may not like the man, but I’m not about to let him die on my watch.
” “I’m in, too. Just hope Spock doesn’t get upset about what he finds in my head. I’m not always proud of what I find in there myself.”
Uhura gifted them with a small smile. “Thank you, both of you. So where should we set this up? Obviously where the crew won’t be able to see or hear.”
“We can use my cabin,” Jim offered. “It’s soundproof, and I might not have a big bed, but we could put something on the floor as padding.”
“That should work. You two go start setting up. Make sure you’ll have food and water, and crank up the heat.”
“And what will you be doing, ma’am?” McCoy’s accent was becoming more pronounced, a slight tick over his brow showing his frustration and concern.
“I’ll have Chapel send you things for padding, and then I’ll get Spock moving. He’s being surprisingly stubborn, considering what his body is going through.”

“Sounds good to me,” Jim stated as he stood up. “Thanks for all your help, Uhura.” The two men began to head for the door.

“You’re welcome, Jim. Just get him through this.” However, once the men had left the room, Uhura stuck her head out to make one last remark. “And don’t forget the lube!”

“Damn woman,” McCoy muttered as he followed Jim into the turbolift. “I think she has too much fun with us.”

“It’s either us or Chekov, and Sulu can get pretty protective. At least we won’t start chasing her with a foil in hand.”

After ten minutes of waiting, Uhura figured she had given her superiors enough time to prepare, and went to the area of Sickbay where Spock was sitting. He had isolated himself in his attempts for control, but Uhura knew he needed Jim and Leonard.

She approached him with heavy footsteps to make sure he was aware of her presence. It was never a good thing to startle a Vulcan, but to startle one in pon farr could be deadly. He offered a stiff nod to show he acknowledged her, but his face was tight with strain.

“Spock,” she said softly. “It’s all right. I explained everything to your mates. They understand, and they’re ready for you.”

“They cannot possibly understand this. Such independent people would never accept the consequences of this. Leave me be, Nyota.” His voice was almost a growl, but she could hear how forlorn he was.

“Then at least let me take you to your quarters. You don’t want more of the crew to see you like this, right?” He nodded after a moment’s contemplation and rose shakily. Uhura wanted to support him, but knew his reaction could only be negative to her
in this state.

Uhura managed to lead Spock out of Sickbay, down the turbolift, and most of the way to the officers’ quarters before he slumped against a wall and panted heavily.

“Oh, don’t stop now, Spock, you’re almost there. You’ll be alone and can meditate and do what you want; you just need to go a little bit further.”

Slowly, Spock started to stumble down the hall with soft encouragements from Uhura. When they got to the captain’s quarters, she hit the call button. Immediately the door opened to reveal Jim, whom she silenced with a gesture and mouthed, “Hide until he’s inside.” Jim nodded, and retreated further into the room.

Spock lumbered in and collapsed into a nearby chair. Dizzily, he lifted his head in confusion. “Nyota, these are not my quarters. Where am I?”

“In mine,” Jim answered, stepping closer to the Vulcan with McCoy on his heels. “I take it he was being stubborn again?”

“Yes, but he’ll be fine now. I trust you two.” With that, Uhura left the room. As she keyed the door closed, she saw Spock’s panicked gaze, and smiled reassuringly.

Link to part 2   For some reason I can't get the coding to work, but if you copy and paste it gets you to the right place.


threesome, mccoy, star trek, fic, spock, nc-17, jim kirk

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