Okay, sorry for the delay, but I finished the series! I was hoping my archive site would hose these permanently so I didn't have to worry about giving you guys temporary links, but I'll worry about that later. For now, have some links!
Rounding Third mp3:
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The only thing is, I tried to download the last two parts, but the links have expired! I so want hear your Gary Mitchell getting dragged off to the brig for touching Chekov's ass even though he is only sewenteen. Your Jim freaking out because he thinks bonds are only for Vulcans and then /Spock/ freaking out because he thinks he's losing Jim only to have them finally form a Vulcan bond together. Oh, and of course your Bones teasing the hell out of Jim for being held in Spock's lap. And Sarek calling in after they "elope" and playing along with the whole Vulcan baseball thing and... yeah. So in short, you're awesome! I love the way you read this series and I really hope to be able to hear the rest of it soon!
If you have any issues, let me know and I'll be happy to help in any way I can. Please let me know if these last segments meet your expectations.
I do plan to make more podfics in the future, although I'm not sure when. I have blanket permission to record kyliselle's fics, and I'm thinking of doing 'How High the Moon', as it's one of my favorites by her. I'll probably release it in bulk rather than as chapters, and maybe as a mp4 rather than an mp3. Can you think of anything else you desperately needed recorded? Honestly, I only started so I would have my fanfic while I was doing chores!
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