a hiatus and a challenge

Feb 16, 2006 00:46

Notice here that my last entry was near the end of summer. Well, there might actually be a reason for that. I started this thing as a way to express thoughts to myself, with the added bonus of everyone else being able to see them and think about them if they want to. I wanted to be able to keep some of the things that came out of my brain. Yeah, perhaps that's a little conceited or self-centered, but what the hell. It's basically a personal thing after all.

Well, when I started school I also began ToK (for those of you not familiar with this, think an English and philosophy class all mixed together with a dash of added honors crap). With ToK comes the ToK journal, which is basically somewhere to put one's own thoughts and questions-- it's not graded, the teacher will never even look at it, it's just for you. Basically, a school-sanctioned "thought forum"... exactly what this spiffy little LiveJournal is for.

You get the picture yet?

Most of what would normally be in here is now in that little composition book, along with general notes about English and literature and other such things. I have an interesting thought, I write it in there, and I don't have to wait for access to a computer in order to do it. Granted, I still like typing much better, so it's not perfect. However, that little itchy urge to write down what flails about in my skull is generally satisfied by the written journal.

So why, you may ask, is there new content here? And why is it in such a different style?

Well, it's because I realized that maybe, just maybe, I like having a public little journal where I can get feedback from my friends (when I remember it's here). So now I turn my attention to you who came here, took the time to read what I have to say. Oh, I'll never keep a diary-- I suppose you could say it's "not my style" (who wants to hear about my daily routine anyway? It can bore ME, and I'm the one living it). I put up my musings and thoughts for your inspection as well as mine, and I invite you to comment.

I spend all this time talking, I'd like to hear what the world thinks. So say something interesting. Or random. I don't care what it is.

Go on, say it. I dare you.
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