(no subject)

Jan 10, 2009 01:02

I stole this from the spiritualmonkey. It combines 2 of my favorite things - rockabilly and latex.

image Click to view

Can we say latexabilly? Punkabilly, psychobilly, latexabilly. Yeah, why not?


I heard about the LJ panic. Upon further investigation, I found this journal that tells how to take care of your sh!t. Take one down, pass it around, tell anyone who may want to keep their years and years of LJing safe.

Is that why I've recently gotten invites in my email box from a couple of you about how to reach you on the book of faces? I don't have a book of faces. I will not go to whySpace, so nobody ask me to meet them there, because I'm not gonna do it. I'm just not. I hear facebook is alright, but...I'll most likely find an LJ clone and go with that. While I've been learning many new things recently, a new social journal format is not high on my current working list.

Then again, maybe it's time. It's not like I've been as busy on here lately as I was when I was in Europe, as I was when I first arrived back in this country.


Meet Maru, the Sliding Box Cat.

image Click to view


I can't seem to find the time to sit and write about all the things I mean to put here,


I live in this park. Yeah, it's a park full of trees and deer and creeks and hills and sometimes cannons and monuments and information signs and an occasional road. Sometime around xmas, I got tired of my body aching all the time, never having energy, and generally feeling in poor physical shape. It seemed a waste to live in the middle of this forest and not explore it. I started getting up every morning and walking, exploring, observing. I mean, wouldn't life be kinda like that in the real world? You might have a snack or something stored up, but really, isn't life about getting up and finding something to eat, exploring and interacting with the world around you? Remember my paleo phase? This place is the perfect setting for it.

I find that being in the woods, slowing down, listening, paying attention to the details around me...it does something to the brain that's really hard for me to describe. It's a good thing. On days like today that are crisp and clear and bright and sunny, I feel happy and confident and cheerful and energetic and hopeful. Strangely enough, being alone for an hour or so a day playing in the woods also seems to help me deal with my job a little better. Or not so strange, really. My clothes are starting to fit better. I feel more connected to the world around me. I like that.

Yesterday I found a small hole in the ground that seems like it could be part of a network - there are a lot of caves in this area, spelunking is popular. I marked its place in that part of the woods, hoping to return with a light today. As I was working out the pirate-style map of how to find the place (about a hundred paces north of the drainage pipe at the bottom of the incline, stand to the right of the Hunchback Oak, look northwest to the curvy X. Walk there, then look to your right. It's a small hole in the ground, and it's at least 8 feet deep, I've learned), I found some of a deer skeleton, all bleached out and weathered. I brought the skull home.

I opened my bedroom curtains this morning and there were 5 deer outside, 2 of them practically peeking in my window. I watched them for nearly half and hour, then tried to follow them into the woods. I was 3 or 4 minutes behind them, trying to follow them through thorny, viney underbrush. I never got closer than 50 yards to them, and there was so much vegetation between us it never would've been a clear shot. Even better though, as I tried to find the place along the creek where they'd crossed, I realized that the creek had ended. I traced it back and found at least one source, a tiny burbling through the sand. Yeah, we had 7, yes I said SEVEN inches of rain in 24 hours on Tuesday. The bridge I normally take to get to work and most other places was under a couple feet of water that night and most of the next day, so maybe what I found was just runoff/groundwater, but still. I'll watch it now, as the seasons change.

Walking is good for me. I've become so enamored of it that I was considering going for a moonlight walk tonight...until I got out of my car. It's cold, and if I ever go to bed I can get up tomorrow and walk in the daylight. Besides, I have to bushwhack to get to any trails, or walk along the paved road. I'm less and less into pavement lately, at least for walking. Pavement accommodates mindless plop-plop-plopping of the legs and feet. Going unpaved strengthens ankles, your feet curve around a stone, feel the difference between leaves and moss and rocks and mud and roots and rotten logs. You have to step over fallen trees, duck and turn and sometimes untangle yourself from thorny vines. You have to crouch and look at the raccoon track in the mud, crawl under a log, hop and dance to keep from tripping over a root. Your whole self gets involved, if you let it.


So many thinkings. For example

I have become a very sporadic correspondent. I wish to write more paper mail. I wish to write about my lives in Europe before I forget all the best parts. I love my Happy Hair.tm I want more time with my Girl. I want more time to work on the yard and projects around the house. I want to learn about things like digging wells. I want to supplement my electricity bill with solar. I want more leisure time with the cats. I may have found someone who is genuinely interested in cabaret, to the point where there's a snowball's chance that I could perform again sometime in the next 6 months or so. I've enjoyed being at work the last couple days, and they're paying me anyway. I have the goal of being able to build a lo-tek fire before the end of 2009. I learned how to do threading tonight, even though my eyebrows don't really need a groom. I'm looking forward to starting the garden. I want new ink. I want a goat and some chickens, kinda. I want to convert my car to a hydrolysis system. I'm looking forward to the demise of ether TV. I'm finally starting to get my house organized. I'm generally pretty pleased with life at the moment.


The world is ending, and I seem to have found myself in an appropriate place to be alright.

heart, goals, paleo, hed

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