Mar 23, 2008 21:22
Spring break is over. I didn't do much or really accomplish anything except buy a new bra and get a dress for the bar mitzvah. I got a lot of sleep though so thats good I suppose. I went to my dad's yesterday so I could hang out with him a bit. I fell asleep at his house last night listening to Barack's book on cd. It's so good. I don't care how people feel about him as a politician, the man is just brilliant in general, not to mention so soothing!
I woke up at my fathers house this morning in a pleasant fashion and chilled on my lap top for a bit before officially getting out of bed. Eventually my dad went to brunch with Leslie and Madeline and I got up and helped him pick out an outfit and hugged him goodbye. Then I got myself ready and cleaned/ packed up my room. I forgot to bring the key to my dad's place back with me for break, (why did I leave it in my dorm room in the first place I have no idea?) so he locked the door and was like "Just make sure you close the door behind you" and I closed it. Nice and tight. Leaving my cellphone in there. It was awful. First I stuck my hand in the mail slot but my arm wasn't long enough to reach the lock. Then I grabbed a paint stirrer on the porch in order to try and extend my reach but still no dice. Finally I gave in and rang my father's upstairs tenants doorbell. I felt SO bad they were preparing for like easter dinner or whatever. The wife was so nice "It's no problem! This happens to the best of us!" so I used their phone to call my dad and let him know the crisis. I then drove to my mothers and picked up Sam. Sam's long monkey arms did the trick and he unlocked the door and I got my cell phone back.
Then later in the day Anthony picked me up and we drove back to UMass which was much better than previous drives even though we got a little lost. We had some good convos which was much better than driving the whole way there in silence.
Now I'm back in my room, I forgot I cleaned before I left. It's really pretty nice. Every time I leave western mass I forget how pretty it is. Sure it's kind of feels like the middle of nowhere at times, but it really is pretty to look up at the sky and be able to see all kinds of stars you never knew existed. Not to mention sunsets here are incredibly killer.
I started reading It's quite possibly the best blog I've ever read. The woman who writes it is incredibly honest and funny. I technically shouldn't love it considering I'm not like a suburban housewife but I can relate to alot of what she talks about somehow. Logan was saying it was creepy that I was reading it. (her husbands name is logan which I found amusing) I can see how it seems creepy, but I just think she's pretty damn cool.
I want my blog to be cooler like hers but she's way more organized in her thoughts. I will strive to make this livejournal more interesting to read!