Not even close....much as we love you....shinigaminikoJuly 15 2005, 05:24:21 UTC
Well, I hate to say this.....but I'm going to be stern. You're wrong about yourself. What she did isn't your fault in any way. I've seen the way you lay yourself accross the fire for her. I've seen the way you let other people (who shall remain nameless) tell you to screw-off after you've given them everything, and you just take it as if you deserved it. You know what? You're BETTER than that, and you had better start treating yourself like it. If -I- ever catch you making yourself bleed, there will be a talk had, you know what I mean? I wouldn't hurt you, because I know you'd say you deserved it, which you don't. I want to see you stop letting these so-called friends drag you into their mental disorders. Some people are good friends, and some are -not-. I just pray you really take not of the comments in this journal, and the way people talk with you, and they way we interact with you, and can know who your real friends are. We're here for you, and we're not changing faces. I'm sorry if I've been harsh, but there are a few lessons in life that call for tough love, or we never grow out of our childhoods.
Wishing the best for days and weeks and years to come. ---Nik
PS: if you -ever- need someone to talk to, for goodness sakes, consider me....I'm not all drill-seargent you know. *smiles* I only say these things because I care like a parent, a best friend, or a confidante.
Wishing the best for days and weeks and years to come. ---Nik
PS: if you -ever- need someone to talk to, for goodness sakes, consider me....I'm not all drill-seargent you know. *smiles* I only say these things because I care like a parent, a best friend, or a confidante.
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