I just wanted to take a moment to say Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there, especially my Dad and grandfathers. They have been the men in my life since I could remember, and they have been teaching me, guiding me, loving me, and helping me become the woman I am today. I love you, Daddy, Grandpa, and Papa!
Also, my dad deserves another shout-out as it is his birthday as well. Happy Birthday, Daddy! Wish I could be there to celebrate with you on the day!
So for those of you wondering about what is going on with the job in Massachusetts, I wish I had news to give you! Thursday and Friday have both come and gone without a word from them. Considering there are only two candidates competing for this position, one would think that they could call both of us to let us know the outcome of their decision or at least send us an email. :P The director of faculty did say that they were "hoping" to make the decision by Thursday or Friday, so there is a chance, and that is the chance/hope I am holding on to, that they just haven't come to a decision yet. I have decided that if I have not heard from them by Wednesday of next week then I will call them up and ask them what the deal is. Please continue to think good thoughts or lift up prayers for me about this because having a job and knowing where I will be in a few months would be so relieving right now. ~_~
Thanks to you all for your encouragement so far. I really appreciate it!
Now it is off to apply for more jobs, clear off the walls of my room, and prepare to paint the room with white paint to return it to a blank slate.