Overcoming Fears

Feb 13, 2006 03:01

Sometimes, you have random stupid fears that you can't seem to get over. My recent stupid fear was writing. I have a psychology paper due this Tuesday, and for some reason I couldn't bring myself to write it. I was so surprised at my aversion to writing it since I like writing and I like psychology. After much pondering, I realized I was afraid because I hadn't written a paper in over two or three months and I was afraid my paper was going to suck.

I managed to get over my fears by reasoning that it really didn't matter if my paper sucked since it was my first paper out of three for the class and that I'm probably a better writer than I give myself credit for. Plus, I just needed to spit out the ideas and give myself plenty of time to edit. Therefore, it didn't matter if my first draft sucked.

My world literature teacher once said that writing is the art of wordsmithing, and it really is. You can edit your finished papers forever, always making changes each time you read it through. We just have to craft the words in such a way that we reduce the chance our audience will misinterpret what we are trying to say. Communicating a message should be more important to writing than the words itself.

And with that said I think it is time for me to go to bed. I will probably post an entry on Valentine's Day since I was inspired by a Post Secret postcard posted this morning. I'm going to make this the best Valentine's Day ever!
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