Help with a rec or two?

Mar 16, 2007 18:13

1. I'm looking for stories where Harry maybe lives in the Muggle world and is dating a muggle, then end up with Severus. Or even Harry dating anyone (other then Draco, please. I actually do like Draco/Harry, but can't read fics that have both Draco/Harry and Snarry) then ends up with Severus. Rather it be a muggle, but I'm not picky. The only thing I ask is that Severus is in character and it be completed or at least updated regularly.

2. Another type of story I'm looking for is Harry clueless about sex. I just read rakina's As Green As His Eyes and would like something like that *nods*. I don't care about warnings, as long as its not a death fic anything can apply.

Thanks in advance!
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