12 More kitten pictures!

Mar 15, 2006 00:27

Well heres another update of pictures of Storms kittens *grins*. There taken from March 7th (the day after they were born) to March 13th. There growing a lot now, the smallest one but oldest (the grey/white one that I've named Lightning) weighs almost 6oz now, being 3oz when he was born. I have to reweigh them all, only did Lightning's today when he wasnt eating.

March 7th

March 10th

March 11th

Shes sticking out her toung!

March 12th

March 13th

Enjoy the pictures :). Now I'm off to read Slippery Slops (Viggorli very good so far *grins*)

kittens, viggorli, storm

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