Is it a bad thing if your blog shows up as the #2 google hit on a whopping return of 6, count them SIX references for the search, in quotes, "i hate hillsdale"?
Occasionally I'll check my sitemeter to see what search words brought traffic to my blog.
This is the first time this one showed up, and I find it a little alarming to be on a Hillsdale hate list.
People have gone missing, or worse, for less.
So I thought I would investigate the company I was thrown together with in cyberspace, and who actually had the balls to permanently, indelibly record that statement that will live forever in cyber caches (or until Hillsdale's thugs tracks them down and eliminates them (the caches, not the people who wrote them).
COME ON.....only six hits? only six people are hate hillsdale in all those years since Al Gore invented the internet?
Most folk in that city can count on one hand six people who hate Hillsdale and another five or six on the other.
I get more returns for" I hate my bitchy pet parakeet, honey, the long-lived, who used to live with, and probably killed her cagemate, perry"
I can put that in, with quotes, and get more than six hits.
Hillsdale is high power web scrubber, rivaled only by the Catholic Church and the Greeks (fraternities and sororities, not the ethnic group)
So I am investigating the other 5 hits over the next several days, just to see who my compatriots are.
But before I do, let me make ONE THING PERFECTLY CLEAR.
The offending statement that got me this hit did appear twice on my blog.
Interestingly they were written by two separate people, and I was not one of them. They appeared in the comments...figure it out.
The brave soul in the #1 slot, has an active blog that bears his name; I think it's his real name, too. He uttered those infamous words, "i hate hillsdale" way back on 4.17.2004.
The memories' summary
When I think of Hillsdale I'm filled with hatred and with love. And, in a weird way I can't figure out, those two are inseparable. I hate Hillsdale and I love it. But that’s only one emotion, sort of. My memories of the place are indivisible intertwining of the darkest of dark times and these illuminated moments of victory and accomplishment. The place came close to killing me, which I say seriously, and it gave me salvation.
I have no idea if I’m going back.
Unlike the others on the list, I don't think he truly hated Hillsdale, but was just doing what writers into that urge to put down every freackin' thought, no matter how trivial, that runs through his head.
The blog is still going strong...the only one, except for me, that still posted that statement and lived to write another day.
I think Hillsdale took a toll on him though; he probably stayed for the misery value...another annoying thing writers do.....suffering and great art go together.
Not really, but for those of us who have to read their drivel, it's nice to know the punishment fits the crime.
Exhibit A: from an entry in the same week:
It rained for four days. Four days of rain without violence. I would have preferred violence but it just pattered a steady so-steady-it'll-surely-never-end rain for days.
This opinion is just a generalization. SOME young ambitious writers, especially of Asian descent, and/or happen to be dating my daughter, are fun to read; but this guy may be good today, but back then our little Hemmingway was walking the razor's edge,
Budding professional writer, Hillsdale student... two strikes....but the irony of life outdid itself.
He did go on to become a professional writer, a journalist; He is a crime reporter in Georgia. I guess the crime beat in Hillsdale.....STOP...not going there.
Here's his Bio from his publishing website (not his blog), he is now a
"crime reporter in Georgia. He was born 17 miles from the pacific ocean and has a B.A. in philosophy. He spent a night on the sidewalk in Chicago, a night in the closet of a house under construction and two nights in the Detroit airport. More of his writing can be read at"
Hillsdale alumni, crime reporter: not the kind of guy you want to piss off.
No wonder Hillsdale hasn't touched him. He's probably got enough on them to write a book, or maybe a series of books.
Teasers for upcoming listees:
yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo! peace
(only in Hilldale to you go from this to a screed so blue, that if you remove all the four letter words, all that is left is the punctuation....misused, of course.
Interesting bits discovered in a Hillsdale community forum threads:
- Rats think like people"
- Wal-Mart & Guns!!!
- IT Nazi's say "No Mac for you!"
- Rotate the pod;Please Hal