ORACLE Is Stronger Than BATGIRL Will Ever Be by Jill Pantozzi
Barbara Gordon deserves to be Oracle. She deserves to be the symbol she’s become. A beacon of light in a world filled with super-powered heroes who can save the day with their physical strength Oracle fights with her mind and her determination. A part of her identity is being ripped away. Of course at this time we don’t know whether or not Barbara will be cured or simply retconned to where the Joker never shot her in the spine but either way, giving Oracle back the use of her legs to bring her back to her iconic role is a travesty. Every hero has a defining moment that makes them who they are. Batgirl didn’t. Oracle did.
Why rebooting Batgirl is a terrible idea by
innerbrat […] Oracle has appeared in 197 different titles, and even more as throwaway references because we live in an internet age, and a hero on the internet can reach anywhere. She has no equivalent in Marvel, that I’m aware of. She has no equivalent in DC; Bryan Q Miller in Batgirl recently tried to groom Wendy Harris as ‘proxy’, a direct clone of the character, but where there are 101 ‘hits things really hard’ and even more ‘hits things really well‘ characters in the genre, there’s no one else who masterminds everything from a distance and gets into your computers in any where near the same way. She brought down Blockbuster by getting at his bank accounts; saved the world during Final Crisis by (alright, Morrison doesn’t understand the internet) shutting down the internet; reduced Calculator to a paranoid jibbering wreck. None of this could Batgirl do.
interview with Scott Snyder gives me some vague hope about some favourite characters but it is definitely too little, too late in many ways and has left a very bad taste in my mouth.
Tim Drake's feathers are going to prove endlessly hilarious and I can't wait until
Apollo and Midnighter meet Batman and Superman, but will there be Jenny Sparks or Jenny Quantum, huh? And Lady Blackhawk could turn up in Blackhawks #1, with all the other "brave men from around the world" in the team.
There are only two female creators announced (Gail Simone and Amy Reeder) and four of my favourite creators: Dustin Nguyen, Nicola Scott, Marcus To and Briam Q. Miller are nowhere in sight (and unlikely to be). :(
Blue Beetle #1 \o/
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I'm a bit weary of the DC relaunch news, despite being glued to the news sites, so have some good stuff.
Bulls and Birds by
rubynye(TimFinity #2. Tim Drake, Batfamily. Comics AU. Gen. PG-13)
Tim the bull-dancer renews the luck of the Bull Court.
This lovely fic really brings the Minoans to life, as the the lives of the bull dancers are interwoven beautifully with the essence of the Batfamily. Tim remains essentially A Lonely Place of Dying!Tim in this very different setting.
They've been
talking about icon progression posts at
icon_talk, which showcase both personal improvement and the changing styles of icon-making in a fascinating way.
All I have to say about Batman and Robin #24 is - Judd Winnick, I love you (well for today, anyway). SO much awesome.