Today's PhD comics made me giggle.
Their take on the Nature vs. Science debate. If anyone is interested I vote for Nature.
vega-writes posted the final part in her beautiful and heartbreaking McCoy/Chapel American Civil War AU.
The first part is
southern anthem, the second part is
scarlet tide and the final part is
sinning hands.
Rated R. Warnings: McCoy is still married and there are graphic descriptions of 19th Century medicine.
When Christine Chapel is nineteen years old, she runs away from home to serve as a nurse in the Confederate army.
I recommend this unreservedly and the author does a fantastic job of maintaining the tension throughout.
originalpuck posted
A Rant About James T. Kirk || AKA: Abuse Is Not A Cheap Back-Story (Includes frank discussion of abusive households and their effects.)
And on a lighter note
originalpuck also made this fantastic
Master List of Star Trek Reboot Genderswaps. These are all my favourite kind of genderswap, the "always was the opposite gender" stories.
bottle_of_smoke wrote
this description of things that she likes to see in fanfic(explicit material) based on reading the ST kink meme. I agree with about 98% of it and the descriptions in themselves are gorgeous.
And finally
this Harry/Draco fandom revival party may be of interest to a couple of people who read this journal. I haven't had a chance to look at it, but it looks like there are a lot of recs. Hopefully I'll get a chance to watch Half Blood Prince tomorrow or Sunday.