Life in Kentucky/Tennessee

Jan 25, 2012 14:00

 Things here are pretty nice. Though I must say, I do miss New Mexico. Corey and I are planning to move to Albuquerque once all of this is said and done.

I'm not working,(still), but spend my days cleaning and other "housewife" jobs. Seras is enjoying the field the apartment complex has for dogs. We haven't been able to hit up Rotary Park with her just yet, its been far to wet. and there are a few streams that cross the hiking routes :b

We had a pretty gnarly storm here the other night, a friend on post said the alarms and sirens were going off. I'm not too sure if anything touched down though.

This coming weekend we're meeting a few new furs on post, actually they've been here a month longer than we have, only they didn't show up on the area forums until now. Haha! It'll definitely be nice to have another like-minded wife around, that's for sure. I've met a few from the group, but their not as into the sports ,(biking/climbing/snowboarding/ect.) as their spouse. So the few things we would have in common, we really don't. :b We'll see though, things could change with how many new people are popping up on that forum.

We're looking into FWA this year, a friend has offered us crash space in her room as well as to carpool up there. I hope we can make it, I've wanted to go for a few years now, but the distance was always an issue. We looked it up and from where we are its only a 5-6 hour drive.

Oh yes! Corey and I will be celebrating our 4 year anniversary this Valentine's Day! Man, how time flies... November will mark our 7th year as a couple. 

update, life in kentucky, anniversary

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