Jul 09, 2008 19:34
Come on and come all to see Laura Dorny in Three Sisters as a young, naive, sweet little girl with dreams in her heart and stars in her eyes, et cetera, et cetera!
This will be completely new and refreshing. Just like the last sev THINK OF MIDSUMMER, LAURA.
I'm looking at it this way. Pip's going to be a great Andrei, I can already tell the Featherstones have a great vision on this, and it should be fun! Also I got what I wanted, sort of
And CHARLIE. Charlie, you are not taking this opportunity to go all pervy -- or pervier than you normally are. Can we just say that now?
Hil, are we still on for drinks? Ladies' night, drinks half-off. Although like I ever pay, HA Anyone else can come along if they like!
laura dorny